Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

Those in power choose to remain powerless to uplift SA

- KEVIN RITCHIE @RitchKev Ritchie is a journalist and a former newspaper editor.

THE mayor of one of South Africa’s biggest metros joined a march with the residents of one of Eskom’s biggest defaulters against the cashstrapp­ed power utility this week.

Soweto owes Eskom as much as R18billion. Those who went on the protest – after the planned shutdown picket did not materialis­e – complain that the electricit­y prices are too high and that the power keeps getting cut off, outside of the load shedding times.

Well, yes.

The problem is the subtext that is missing.

Many Soweto residents haven’t paid for electricit­y since the days of the Struggle, when it was recognised as a legitimate tactic to bring the apartheid regime to its knees. But that was 26 years ago.

The elephant in the room is that there’s a huge difference between those who literally can’t afford it and those who just won’t pay for it – but will burn down substation­s and intimidate the government into continuing to let them illegally connect and draw power for free.

Joburg mayor Geoff Makhubo told journalist­s that residents wanted to pay for electricit­y “going forward”, freeze the existing debt and “find mechanisms” to pay it off. The problem is that Eskom’s written off the debt twice. It also ignores the fact that Eskom actually has an indigent policy in place.

We have a huge poverty problem in this country, exacerbate­d by spiralling unemployme­nt, a third of the country drawing state grants and a moribund economy.

Someone, somewhere, has to pay for the running of the state, the SOEs, the grants and the public service salaries, but those who can are becoming less and less.

No one in government seems willing to grasp this nettle – or the fact that state capture, rank mismanagem­ent and corporate collusion are an unsustaina­ble drain on what we do have.

That’s why you can have the ruling party protesting against the government formed from its own members.

That’s why you can have people like secretary general Ace Magashule speaking about corruption, when he’s apparently central to some of the worst cases in this country, with his loyal lieutenant Carl Niehaus lecturing members about how the ANC is failing its members, despite his own record of fake “burying” his parents to borrow money that he never paid back.

The ANC has become such a broad church, it’s now cognitivel­y dissonant. What South Africa needs is proper leadership; what we get instead is politician­s perpetuall­y pandering to populist expediency.

In the meantime, there’s no money left to keep the SOEs running, much less subsidise them for those who simply don’t want to pay, whether it’s electricit­y in Soweto or SAA flights for MPs and ministers. We need to bring back accountabi­lity. Wrongdoers need to be prosecuted for a start and office bearers need to be paid what the fiscus can actually afford.

In the case of Makhubo, we could link his salary to his ratepayers. If half of them don’t pay, his salary gets cut proportion­ately. Maybe that’ll make him think twice before he picks up a placard to toyi-toyi next time.

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