Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)



ACROSS: 4 Come out with damaged lip from a long speech of protest (7) 8 A master of arts and another true beginner (7) 9 This must endlessly change a narrow strip of connecting land (7) 10 A means to an end where the point of a lever should be (7) 11 Cross out former play on words with good direction (7) 12 Everyone, say, moves to make things less suspicious (6) 14 Start running and bar us being college treasurer (6) 18 Trek around with a car for one who follows other people’s trails (7) 21 Extremely foolish part of the mind is first relating to the ear (7) 22 Takes in air in his lean manner (7) 23 Make things look better with new cane he used (7) 24 Sits round with unhappy people who love to see cruelty to others (7)

DOWN: 1 Starts to affect fixing flimsy extras to any shiny material (7) 2 Everything in an after-thought loses colour (5) 3 Listen and speak and just plain gossip (7) 4 Many with pride being upset are ready to start shooting (6) 5 Allowed to rise in a bit of relaxation (3,2) 6 Very short time for a US mother commonly sent out (7) 7 Players with the last hereditary social group (5) 13 Let liquids seep through something as pain was first outside (7) 15 Standing straight up when being completely honest (7) 16 Gets to specified parts of the river (7) 17 Decisive times when criticism originally comes up (6) 18 Model is successful with the twosome from birth (5) 19 Some heated ovens showing damaged links (5) 20 Be grudging in an allotted amount of work (5)

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