Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)



ACROSS: 1 To expunge, is to do what (6) 8 Name a town in the north-western coast of Tasmania, adjoining Burnie (8) 9 What do we call a raving lunatic (6) 10 When one refrains voluntaril­y, one does what (8) 11 What is a vicar also known as (6) 13 Name a large crater in the south-eastern quadrant of the moon (8) 16 Which cocktail is taken as an appetiser (8) 19 Which German prince was the husband of Queen Victoria (6) 22 Name a mathematic­al operation reverse to multiplica­tion (8) 24 To steal, is to do what (6) 25 What do we call someone aged between 13 and 19 (8) 26 To have told stories, is to have done what (6)

DOWN: 2 To put in hig h spirits, is to do what (5) 3 What is a decree issued by a sovereign (5) 4 Name an edible snail (8) 5 Name some flightless three-toed Australian birds (4) 6 What is a fleet of warships (6) 7 To have inclined from a vertical position, is to have done what (6) 12 Name a building where coffee and light refreshmen­ts are served (4) 14 Which soldiers fight on foot (8) 15 What is a strong affection for another person (4) 17 What are charges for items (6) 18 When one exercises sovereign power, one does what (6) 20 Name a prickly shrub or plant (5) 21 What is a group of skits, dances and songs (5) 23 Name an English pessimisti­c writer, and Dean Of St Paul's Cathedral, William ... (4)

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