Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

Court watchers call for magistrate to be helped

- GENEVIEVE SERRA genevieve.serra@inl.co.za

THE Magistrate’s Commission’s ethics committee has confirmed that the death threats matter of Mitchells Plain Regional Court magistrate Mary Jwacu has been referred to officials in its division.

Jwacu has received death threats after presiding over several high-profile criminal cases.

One of the court watchers has asked not to be identified after witnessing one of the incidents in which Jwacu was threatened.

In 2019, while covering a court case of an alleged 28s gang member, a firearm was drawn on Jwacu and it was later found to be a toy gun.

Last week, the Weekend Argus detailed in an exclusive interview with Jwacu the spate of death threats she has endured since 2013 while serving as a regional magistrate at the Mitchells Plain court.

Jwacu had worked her way up the ranks after being a clerk and interprete­r in 1991.

She detailed having her tyres slashed, office windows broken, receiving threatenin­g phone calls to her office and the police station, saying that prisoners were conspiring to kill her, and being followed to her previous home in Rondebosch.

A few weeks ago, after much stress and anxiety, she collapsed and blacked out in court.

Jwacu had sent numerous emails and complaints to her superiors at the Magistrate’s Commission, including the regional court president and the Secretaria­t of the Judicial Service, where she appealed to be transferre­d to another court.

The communicat­ion was shared with James D Lekhuleni, acting regional court president and Western Cape Regional Court president Bruce Langa.

An assessment was done on safety issues Jwacu raised, and was requested by the regional office security and risk management.

Jwacu said she was on the brink of resignatio­n and was fearing for her life.

She confirmed this week that she was seeing her psychologi­st.

“I am booked off sick and will be back at the doctors on Monday,” she said.

Advocate Cassim Moosa, chairperso­n of the Magistrate’s Commission’s ethics committee, said the issues were receiving attention.

Court watchers have express outrage that judicial and police officers are not safe, calling for the matter to receive attention.

One court watcher, who cannot be identified as he was threatened in the past, said they were deeply concerned about officials being placed in danger.

“This is tragic, our government is not even prepared to protect those who have to serve the people of our country, this is very serious.

“Every day, our men and women in uniform are threaten and killed ... either for their weapons or just because they are doing their job without taking bribes. What has our become of the respect for the law?”

 ?? SUPPLIED ?? THE window inside the magistrate’s office was broken. l
SUPPLIED THE window inside the magistrate’s office was broken. l

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