Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

Tips to help you during exams

- GENEVIEVE SERRA genevieve.serra@inl.co.za

IF YOU are feeling nervous preparing for final exams, do not fear, we have a few tips which may help you.

The Western Cape Education Department and Laager Rooibos tea said simple guidelines, like getting enough sleep, water and being prepared with a timetable, can help you concentrat­e to achieve better results.

Laager Rooibos worked with specialise­d dietitian partner Mbali Maphohi, who assisted in compiling a list of recipes and tips to relieve stress during exams:

“Assist in drawing up a study timetable that includes achievable daily goals so as not to overwhelm the child. It’s important the timetable includes time for relaxation and fun as well as work to achieve a good balance.”

“Rest is best. While the temptation might be to get in as many studying hours as possible, particular­ly for matric pupils, taking time away from sleep will negatively impact studying. A sleep-deprived person is less likely to focus, and sleep plays an important role in consolidat­ing memory to store informatio­n learnt.”

Maphohi said exercising is mportant. “Parents and caregivers can accompany youngsters on a walk or jog around the block, or they can do yoga at home. It is easy for children to be sitting for many hours while studying, so encourage 5 to 15 minutes of stretching each hour.”

Drinking enough water was on top of the list, also encouragin­g more tea drinking in the brands made for children.

Mapholi suggested Tea4Kidz, Laager’s range of Rooibos teas for children and that eating healthy was just as important and leaving the sweets and chips behind.

Some great study snacks include:

Homemade trail mix which has nuts, dried fruit and seeds.

Dark chocolate with over 75% cocoa for boosting brain function (one or two pieces is sufficient).

Popcorn is a fantastic wholegrain snack but limit the salt.

Apple slices with peanut butter provide a balance of simple carbohydra­tes, fats and protein.

Frozen grapes are a refreshing, sweet and healthy snack.

The Western Cape Education Department has also provided tips, especially for matriculan­ts, which can also be viewed via internet sites, television programmes.

They said matrics could visit the “Help! I’m in Grade 12!” tabs for broadcast lessons, collection­s of subject resources, past papers, memos, study tips, notes and textbooks.

Revision programmes were also available on the DBE’s Woza Matric programme on SABC and DStv.

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