Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)


- Barbara Kiselev

If today is your birthday:

This year is about not only you and your aspiration­s in life but those around you. So make the most of it and you’ll go far. Take those you truly love with you, they deserve nothing less. Only more!

Aries (21 March-20 April)

Things are about to change. For better or worse? It’s what you make of it. Best to keep trying, as things change around you, to do your best. And you can deal with any problem thrown at you this week.

Taurus (21 April-21 May)

Yes, it’s true you have to improve on things in your life. Things are challengin­g at best but all can be turned around this week, and in the long term. So commit to doing what’s right, especially for yourself!

Gemini (22 May-21 June)

Now’s the time to start afresh, and do what you always wanted to. So take the initiative, live the dream, take a chance. And you can find yourself taking things to the next level. You deserve it!

Cancer (22 June-23 July)

There’s a chance you may need to reinvent yourself this week, and try a brand new you. Turns out you need to change things around and improve your outcomes. Of course, you love a change, so why not go for it?

Leo (24 July-23 August)

Well, you knew it, the way you tend to things, is always in excess. So how about taking things easy this week and going with the flow. It’s a new way of doing things, but who knows what you can get?

Virgo (24 August-23 September)

This week you need to try your best and with a little luck you can get where you were going. Anyway, in the first place, you always do, so no reason you can’t keep the trend and keep moving forward.

Libra (24 September-23 October)

Everyday’s a chance to be single-minded about what you want. This week is a good week to pursue those long lost dreams. So somehow you can be the self you always wanted to be. It’s just a matter of doing it.

Scorpio (24 October-22 November)

As the sun slowly moves into your sight, time to make this your time. You always fight for what’s yours, so no reason not to go for it. Who knows, things may be finally going your way you always wanted.

Sagittariu­s (23 November-21 December)

Sometimes your relationsh­ip needs to be the most important thing in your life. This week is a good time to make it so, and make things finally right. You always go for the excitement in your life, how about in love?

Capricorn (22 December-20 January)

So you were going for it as hard as you can. Maybe time for yourself and just a moment to relax. You always give it your all, so how about giving yourself to breathe, and be authentic. You always were, anyway.

Aquarius (21 January-19 February)

Sometimes you just have to feel things and live the experience. So this week give yourself a chance to enjoy life. It’s hard, things aren’t easy at the moment, but you can always take a chance on life. Maybe, even love.

Pisces (20 February-20 March)

Sometimes things go the wrong way. But this week you can be the one who sees things through to the end. It’s all in your power. Fianlly you can have what you want, no problem anymore.

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