Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)




3 To be emotionall­y hypersensi­tive is to be what (8)

7 What is a more familiar term for a matelot (6)

8 Which type of creature eats both animal and plant foods (8)

9 What is another word for a tap (6)

10 A shed is also known as a what (8)

11 Name the joints between the upper arms and the forearms (6)

14 Which parts of actors’ lines are intended only for the audience (6)

17 What are items of dead and putrefying flesh (8)

18 What serves to cover and uncover the eyeball (6)

19 Which arachnid has a long narrow abdomen terminatin­g in a venomous sting (8)

20 Name a term which relates to a year (6)

21 What describes something ghostly (8)


1 Name the sweet which is made from burnt sugar (7)

2 Which medicine performs no physiologi­cal function but may be of psychologi­cal benefit (7)

3 What are positive elementary particles present in atoms (7)

4 When one gets off a train or the like, one does what (7)

5 A voice characteri­sed by strength, fullness, etc, is considered to be what (7)

6 Those who regulate their food intake could be called what (7)

11 What are pretexts or subterfuge­s (7)

12 Which product informatio­n stripe is designed to be read by an optical scanner (7)

13 Name the dog which is probably a cross between the greyhound and the terrier (7)

14 What is a repository of arms and military stores (7)

15 Which place or situation is likened to hell (7)

16 Relating to right and wrong in conduct is referred to as what (7)

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