Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)




1 Made tranquil having claimed most of it (6)

8 Without teeth you’ll need to imbibe tea as you eat (8)

9 Point to the stage where they act for you (6)

10 It’s time to put on your gear and go elsewhere (8)

11 They mostly torment such a wise counsellor (6)

12 Fish for you, aunt? (4)

13 Most get right out in such bad weather (5)

16 Makes money with confection­ery production (5)

19 A little hypnotic when it comes to the ear (4)

21 Add it on again then sell it (6)

22 Gave in to two aliens then had to lead a dull life (8)

23 They’re such a flighty lot (6)

24 My little brother left to play games with some other punters (8)

25 Tiny me receiving such unfriendli­ness from them (6)


2 My aunt, such a gem, will make it larger (7)

3 Classroom lizard? (7)

4 Rested in such a barren spot (6)

5 It takes a good manager to remove an E in wordplay (7)

6 One vehicle then another seen on the highway (7)

7 Old stories traditiona­lly told about the feet? (7)

13 When that savage left we were able to preserve things (7)

14 In Japan when a paper folds it causes much pleasure (7)

15 Both men and women last a lot more here (7)

17 In the meantime put him down (7)

18 Tried to get to the Territory carrying one with three prongs (7)

20 Almost creates it only to eventually fold (6)

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