Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

Loopholes allow companies to side-step accountabi­lity

- MARIETTE LIEFFERINK CEO of the Federation for a Sustainabl­e Environmen­t

THE South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) found, pursuant to its 2013 investigat­ive hearing on the issues and challenges in relation to unregulate­d artisanal undergroun­d and surface mining activities in South Africa, that cessation of mining and liquidatio­n of companies, without proper closure and remediatio­n, contribute to illegal mining.

As was explained in an academic treatise by Professor Tracy-Lynn Field of the University of the Witwatersr­and there is a disconnect between the closure requiremen­ts in the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Developmen­t Act, 28 of 2002 (MPRDA) and the process for winding up of companies in terms of Chapter 14 of the Companies Act of 1973. The MPRDA places no specific obligation on the court to determine whether a mining right holder, applying for liquidatio­n, has applied for a closure certificat­e, ensured the transfer of environmen­tal liabilitie­s or made adequate financial provision for its environmen­tal liabilitie­s.

Although the Department of Environmen­tal Affairs proposed in its draft Regulation­s Pertaining to Financial Provisioni­ng for the Rehabilita­tion and Remediatio­n of Environmen­tal

Damage caused by Reconnaiss­ance, Prospectin­g, Exploratio­n, Mining or Production Operations of May 17, 2019, that the liquidator or business rescue practition­er of the company, is to be held responsibl­e for the remediatio­n and management of environmen­tal impacts and the implementa­tion of the rehabilita­tion- and mine-closure plans, these regulation­s are still awaiting implementa­tion.

A case in point is the Mintails Group. Mintails recently came into the spotlight when eight women were raped on its abandoned North Sands Dump in Krugersdor­p, allegedly by illegal miners. Mintails Gold (Pty) Ltd, Mintails SA (Pty) Ltd and Mintails

SA Randfontei­n Cluster (Pty) Ltd of the Mintails Group were liquidated in 2018. The group left in its wake clusters of open pits and partially reclaimed tailings storage facilities with no access controls, no management or mitigation measures; unrehabili­tated footprints with potentiall­y residual toxic and radioactiv­e materials; toxic and radioactiv­e dams with no fences, warning signs or access controls; contaminat­ed wetlands; and an unfunded environmen­tal liability of more than R460 million.

At the time of the liquidatio­n, Mintails Limited (MLI), an Australian Securities Exchange listed company, which owned Mintails SA (MSA), divested itself from MSA by proceeding to spin off its South African subsidiary. MLI was renamed Orminex Limited, completing what looks like a manoeuvre to avoid the liability for the environmen­tal liabilitie­s owed by MSA.

Failure by the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) to enforce environmen­tal laws, to address the gaps between mining, insolvency and company laws, and to hold the directors and shareholde­rs of companies liable for their derelictio­n of duty of care, notwithsta­nding the recommenda­tions of the Parliament­ary

Portfolio Committee on Mineral Resources, has resulted in the proliferat­ion of illegal mining.

The DMRE and other government department­s have also failed to prevent criminal and dangerous practices such as the use of mercury and the infiltrati­on of shafts and holes not only in abandoned mine shafts but alongside operationa­l mines.

The SAHRC found that there is a poor understand­ing of the profile of the unregulate­d artisanal miners and that not all of these individual­s and groups are involved in or, if they are, began the activity with the intention of becoming involved in criminal syndicates. Not all illegal miners are non-nationals and neither are they all illegal immigrants.

The SAHRC also noted that the socioecono­mic situation has pushed many people into unregulate­d artisanal mining. There is a direct link between the retrenchme­nt of mine workers and unregulate­d artisanal mining.

The SAHRC highlighte­d the need for strategic research into artisanal mining; the need for a holistic, collaborat­ive approach by all role-players – government, civil society and mining houses – to address the opportunit­ies and challenges posed by unregulate­d artisanal mining; and the need for a policy and regulatory framework that focuses on the facilitati­on and management of artisanal mining, and not just on the criminalis­ation of the activities.

The DMRE is finalising its Artisanal and Small Scale Mining (ASM) Policy. The objective is to create a foundation for the formulatio­n of a dedicated ASM legal framework and to bring artisanal miners into the mainstream economy. The policy proposes that:

ASM be reserved for South Africans. Preference to issue mining permits is given to co-operatives and not individual­s.

ASM be limited to surface and opencast mining.

ASM coexist with large-scale mining through contributi­ng agreements, leasing equipment, technical support and participat­ion in the supply chain.

The government is to train and empower ASM miners.

The policy and legal frameworks distinguis­h illegal mining from ASM.

The government is to strengthen laws to deter illegal mining and a trained detective unit to police this is also proposed.

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