Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

Businessma­n tried to defend himself in ‘hit’

- GENEVIEVE SERRA genevieve.serra@inl.co.za

THE PALESTINIA­N businessma­n who was killed by two gunmen on a superbike has been described as a humanitari­an, who had possibly tried to protect himself during the daring hit.

Police are now investigat­ing whether Shafiq Naser was armed when the gunmen pumped seven bullets into his Mercedes-Benz G-Wagen on Bosmansdam Road in Milnerton just after 8am on Wednesday.

Police spokespers­on Sergeant Wesley Twigg said the investigat­ing officer was working hard on a positive lead.

Naser was the owner of Naser Constructi­on and Naser Property.

He had returned to South Africa from a trip abroad a day before the incident and was on his way to his office for a meeting when he was gunned down.

According to the preliminar­y report, Naser had allegedly tried to return fire at his attackers.

After Naser was shot he lost control of his vehicle and collided with two other vehicles.

Police have yet to make an arrest. It is alleged that the Naser family had decamped to South Africa in order to evade violence associated with their involvemen­t in a criminal activity, a foreign news report by Middle East Media said.

Naser was born in the Arab town of Tira in central Israel and his cousin, Abdel Fattah Nassar, who was visiting Cape Town nearly a year ago, was shot and killed during a gun battle near the V&A Waterfront.

Naser was apparently arrested in Israel on suspicion of violent crimes, including shootings and the possession of firearms, the report stated.

An eyewitness gave a blow-by-blow account of how he managed to film

the two gunmen on a motorbike fleeing the scene on TikTok.

Using the alias SlaapStadA­idy, the cameraman said he just began recording after seeing the gunmen open fire on Naser.

“They had already shot him with about seven bullets by the time the camera was out,” he said.

Meanwhile, Milnerton councillor Anthony Benadie and Liete van der Eems said they were concerned about the incident.

“Incidents linked to underworld activities occur in different areas across the city. At present, we do not see any substantiv­e evidence indicating that Ward 4 is becoming populated by underworld figures or that there is a significan­t spike in incidents,” they said in a statement.

Milnerton was in the spotlight this month following an incident where alleged underworld figure and apparent leader of the 28s gang, Ralph Stanfield, and his wife, Nicole Johnson, were arrested.

National Prosecutin­g Authority spokespers­on Eric Ntabazalil­a said the duo, together with their-co-accused, made an appearance in court this week, and are expected back in the dock on Monday.

He added that they would be facing additional charges of intimidati­on and extortion.

According to court papers, Stanfield, Johnson, Johannes Abrahams and Denver Booysen face charges of theft of a motor vehicle, robbery and fraud.

Johnson is a property mogul, and her company, Glomix Housing Brokers, has built housing and school developmen­ts in various communitie­s.

It is unclear whether the fresh charges relating to extortion will stem from here.

The State intends to prove that on November 24, 2022, at Palm Springs Security Complex in Milnerton, the group allegedly assaulted and took a victim’s cellphone.

Stanfield survived a hit on his life in Johannesbu­rg in 2017 and was shot 14 times while driving his Audi R8.

 ?? | LEON KNIPE ?? SHAFIQ Naser was shot by two gunmen and crashed his vehicle and died at the scene.
| LEON KNIPE SHAFIQ Naser was shot by two gunmen and crashed his vehicle and died at the scene.

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