Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

‘It is men who have multiple sexual partners and do not test’

- NTSIKA MAJIBA ntsika.majiba@inl.co.za

“WE'RE getting closer to the HIV cure.”

So said Professor Glenda Gray, from the South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC), in response to the $45 million (R867m) grant being awarded by the US Agency for Internatio­nal Developmen­t (USAID) to implement a programme called “HIV Vaccine Innovation, Science, and Technology Accelerati­on in Africa (HIVVista).”

Gray, who will lead the programme, said the grant was awarded through a competitiv­e process in which the sub-Saharan African region emerged victorious.

“Researcher­s in countries such as Nigeria, Uganda, Zambia, South Africa, and so many more are part of this momentous stride in finding the cure for HIV & Aids,” she said.

Gray said the difficulty with finding the cure was the dynamic nature of the virus.

“Imagine something like an envelope. The virus then hides in various places inside the envelope. It differs from person to person, so there can never be a linear and clear consensus as to where the virus hides,” she said.

Though there have been numerous unsuccessf­ul previous attempts to find a cure, Gray is optimistic this research will yield positive results.

“This is a five-year research project, and from now until September next year we will be conducting extensive research. Thereafter, we will be doing annual tests on the vaccine. We are making progress with regards to treatment and prevention programmes, but the issue lies in accessing people to receive the treatment. If we do not get this right, we will have a never-ending pandemic that is HIV/Aids,” she said.

Gray expressed concern about over 50% of women globally contractin­g

HIV and Aids, as revealed in recent HIV data, and 63% of all new infections in South Africa, where there are twice as many young women as men between the ages of 15-24 living with HIV.

“The issue is that women are more vulnerable to HIV due to patriarchy and GBV. It can be said women are getting HIV transmissi­on from men – men who have multiple sexual partners and who do not get tested. It is largely women who access health facilities and check their status,” she said.

Gray said KwaZulu-Natal was still leading with the highest number of

HIV cases, followed by the Eastern Cape, Gauteng, Free State, and the Western Cape.

The South African Medical Associatio­n (Sama) said HIV/Aids remains a major public health challenge in South Africa and Africa as a whole and is a significan­t healthcare burden.

“The developmen­t of vaccines, both preventive and therapeuti­c, is a vital step in addressing this epidemic and its associated consequenc­es on health care, poverty, and overall societal well-being. The impact of increased patient volumes needing care and treatment strains the healthcare system's resources and capacity. Treating HIV/Aids patients, providing antiretrov­iral therapy, and managing related health issues can be costly, contributi­ng to rising health-care expenditur­e. HIV/Aids can exacerbate poverty in affected communitie­s, as individual­s may become too ill to work and support their families, leading to economic hardships. Developing preventive vaccines to stop new infections and therapeuti­c vaccines to control disease progressio­n in infected patients is crucial in the fight against HIV/Aids.

‘'Sama congratula­tes our colleagues at the SAMRC for the grant, and we have faith that the SAMRC experts will deliver the long-awaited vaccines that will contribute immensely to the health and well-being of South Africans and the continent,” Sama said.

Minister of Health Dr Joe Phaahla, has welcomed the awarding of this grant as a milestone in the country's fight against this devastatin­g disease.

“HIV/Aids has had a profound impact on the lives of countless individual­s and communitie­s in South Africa, and finding an effective vaccine is crucial to achieving a future free from the burden of this illness. This funding not only highlights the internatio­nal community's commitment to eradicatin­g HIV/Aids but recognises the expertise and dedication of the SAMRC in medical research.

“The SAMRC has a rich history of contributi­ng to global health, and this funding will enable them to continue their groundbrea­king work. We eagerly anticipate the outcomes of their research and hope that it brings us one step closer to a world where HIV/Aids is no longer a threat to public health.”

Imagine something like an envelope. The virus hides in various places in the envelope. It differs from person to person, and so there can never be clear consensus as to where the virus hides.


South African Medical Research Council

 ?? Supplied ?? PALOMA Adams-Allen (deputy administra­tor of the USAID), Professor Glenda Gray (SAMRC president and CEO) and Reuben Brigety (US Ambassador to South Africa). |
Supplied PALOMA Adams-Allen (deputy administra­tor of the USAID), Professor Glenda Gray (SAMRC president and CEO) and Reuben Brigety (US Ambassador to South Africa). |

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