Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

Top 6 accessorie­s to add flair to your summer look

- THOBILE MAZIBUKO thobile.mazibuko@inl.co.za

WITH spring here, it’s time to enjoy being out and about. As such, it’s time to elevate your look.

While clothes are important, especially if you want to look stylish, accessorie­s are even more important.

Clothes with no accessorie­s look bland unless you want to dress down, of course. If you want to be among the great fashion icons, you should be prepared to accessoris­e because that’s where the secret lies.

Below are some must-have accessorie­s if you want to stand out this season.


When I say earrings, I do not mean studs. Those are for a basic look. For a striking look, you need to rock dramatic earrings.

I’m talking about big hoops, drop earrings, chandelier­s, ear spark and dangle earrings – something that will catch the eye when someone steals a glimpse of your face.


Depending on the type of outfit you are wearing, there are different types of hats you can wear to style your look. For example, when wearing a suit, the best hat would be a bowler, cartwheel or chupalla hat.

Such hats will give you a more sophistica­ted look, making you feel like a boss. And for a casual look, we all know bucket hats are the way to go.

Alternativ­ely, you can wear a cap, depending on which one you like the most.


Headwraps are a must-have because they are versatile. You can wear them to cover your shoulders, as a sarong or a headwrap. As a headwrap, it’s perfect for people with big hair and is styled better with a maxi dress.

On your shoulders, you can use it as a throw, and when going to the beach, you can use it as a sarong.


Necklaces and rings really add flair to an outfit. And you don’t have to wear gold or silver only, you can mix and match to create a trendy, stylish combo.

Also, anklets and bracelets are very in, especially with the new denim skirt trends.


Not only are they great for protecting your eyes against the harmful sun

rays, but they are also good for adding more drama to your outfit. The darker the shade, the better, because it gives the freedom to see everything without anyone noticing.

And you don’t have to wear them during the day only. Even at night, when you’re at a club, you can still rock those shades and be invincible.

Sling bag

No one wants to carry a big bag on a hot day, that’s why you should go for a sling bag. It may be small, but most have enough room for your essentials like keys, cellphones, lip-gloss and a card case.

Also, a sling bag matches better with a dress or skirt. Depending on the design, some work well with suits, giving you that elegant look.

 ?? ?? SUNGLASSES are for day and night. | Pexels.
SUNGLASSES are for day and night. | Pexels.
 ?? ?? AFRICAN print headwrap. Mthembu
AFRICAN print headwrap. Mthembu | Andile
 ?? ?? EARRINGS will elevate your outfit. | Instagram
EARRINGS will elevate your outfit. | Instagram

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