Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)



“I cannot imagine Gukesh winning the Candidates. I don’t think he will do poorly, but I don’t think he will do too well either. He’s not quite ready yet to make the leap. It’s more likely that he has a bad event.” (Magnus Carlsen)

Not quite the most inspiring assessment from the world number one player before the 17 year old Dommaraju Gukesh left to compete with the world elite in Toronto-but he neverthele­ss won the event!

It should be added that Carlsen gave Gukesh some tips after a tournament in Germany where they had both competed …

“I didn’t ask him for advice. He shared his experience from 2013 (Candidates), and his general thoughts about the long duration of the tournament. It was a very casual chat. One of the things he said was ‘don’t go crazy’. Just hearing the thoughts of a great player like him was very nice for me.”

On returning to India he gave an interview to ‘The Indian Express’ from which follows a few quotes …

“I knew this was going to be a tough challenge. But I knew if I was going to be at my absolute best, if I do all the right things, I would have every chance. I didn’t see my chances as any weaker than the other players at the Candidates.”

“Of course I couldn’t be 100 % sure till the very, very last moment that I was going to win. I had the belief from the start, but the moment I really started to feel it was after the seventh round (where he lost his only game) on the rest day. I just thought I was playing very good chess and if I make some tiny modificati­ons, and I’m mentally in the right state, it could be done.”

Gukesh is due to face the World Champion, Ding Liren, in November over 14 games at a venue yet to be announced, although India must be a strong favourite to host the event.

Peter Svidler (White) agreed a draw against Anand in the following position. What did he miss?

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