Women's Health Walking Workouts


Get more from each step with these super-simple exercises


There’s more to good walking form than standing up straight. Make good technique second nature with these exercises from Dr Suki Munsell, developer of the Dynamic Walking programme.


Lengthens spine to prevent slumping. Cross your arms at the wrists in front of your waist and raise your arms, as if you’re pulling a shirt up and over your head. Grow taller as you reach up. Lower your arms, letting your shoulders drop into place. Repeat frequently during a walk to avoid back tightness.


Keeps hips lifted for a smooth stride. Holding onto something for support, like the back of a chair, balance on your right leg and swing your left leg forwards and backwards eight to 10 times without touching your foot to the ground. Repeat, this time swinging your right leg.


Realigns feet and knees. Stand with your feet parallel, one shoe width apart. With your knees slightly bent, roll from heel to toe eight to 10 times, rocking back and forth down the centre of your feet.


Increases push-off power. Standing tall, scrape the ground with one foot as if to kick sand behind you, like a dog digging a hole. Use your whole leg, from hip to butt. Don’t lean forward too much. Repeat six times on each side.

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