YOU Best Recipes: Braai

Chateaubri­and topped with camembert and preserved figs




A chateaubri­and is the king of steaks. It’s the top end (thick part) of a fillet and serves one or two people.

1 top-end fillet, cut

into 2 pieces salt and pepper cooking oil

125 g Camembert

cheese wheel

320 g preserved figs,


1 Slightly flatten each piece of steak with the heel of your hand. If you season with salt and pepper at this stage, allow the steak to stand for about 20 minutes before braaiing.

2 Arrange the steak over the coals and pour a tiny bit of oil on the coals to create flames (be careful!). Braai for about 2 minutes, turn and braai for another minute. Move the meat away from the flames and braai for another 4 minutes or to your liking. Turn twice more while cooking. Season with salt and pepper if not done earlier. Allow to rest for 10 minutes. 3 Meanwhile braai the cheese wheel over low coals for about 3 minutes on each side. Remove just before the cheese melts. Place on top of the steak and serve with the figs. KELLY AND TILLA (AS SEEN ON KOM ONS BRAAI EPISODE 10 ON VIA)


10 min Standing

20 min (optional) Braaiing

7 min Resting

10 min

FOR FLAMBÉD STEAK Braai the steaks in a huge pan over the coals in oil and butter. Add a tot (30 ml or 2 T) of brandy. Tilt the pan towards the fire to ignite the brandy. Let the flames in the pan die down, then remove the steaks. Add 180 ml (¾ c) cream and a few peppercorn­s to the pan and stir until the sauce bubbles. Allow to reduce. Season with salt and pepper and serve with the steak.

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