YOU (South Africa)



We meet the queen of daytime TV in her dressing room – which is surreal enough in itself. To be up close and personal with the legendary Brooke is positively dreamlike.

When we manage to get over being starstruck, we ask Katherine (55) . . . What’s your beauty secret? My father was an Olympic skier and I was raised to exercise every day. Even as a little kid I was involved in all kinds of really competitiv­e sport and I was taught to take care of myself and to eat well. I think learning all of that from an early age really helps.

I still work out like, five times a week. I’m big on vegetable salads and lean meats and try to stay away from gluten and sugar and too much alcohol. I have to take care of my skin because we’re on camera all the time. I have a lot of facials and microderma­brasion, sometimes lasers and things like that. And sleep – you have to get enough sleep every night. Oh, and lots of water and a positive attitude help too. You’ve been playing Brooke since you were 25. Do you identify with her? Actually, no – sometimes I think all we have in common is our blonde hair! I mean, she’s been married a dozen times [Katherine’s been married twice]. Away from the show I run my kaftan clothing line. And I certainly don’t cry as much as she does. What do you love about the show? This dressing room feels like my second home. I love the people – a lot of the admin staff and crew have been here almost from the beginning.

It’s always sad to see someone go. I really miss Susan [Flannery, who played Stephanie Forrester] and Ronn [Moss, the original Ridge Forrester]. John [McCook, who plays Eric Forrester] and I are the only original cast members left. What have been a few of your favourite scenes? When I first married Ridge on the beach. We were so young and innocent and it was our first wedding. Then, um . . . I loved it when I went into labour with Bridget and we were snowed in and Ridge had to deliver her.

And then the moments when we did the homeless storylines with Brooke and Stephanie . . . And when Stephanie died, which was really touching because she’d finally had accepted Brooke. So there are a lot of highlights – a lot!

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