YOU (South Africa)

Sympathy for Susan


I’ve just read the article on Susan Oosthuizen’s battle with facial skin cancer (YOU, 11 January) and I can only empathise with her since I walked the same path at the end of last year.

It all began with what was thought to be a spider bite on my right upper arm that didn’t respond to antibiotic­s. It was found to be squamous cell carcinoma and quickly removed before it could spread to my lymph glands.

Although I was given the all-clear by my GP, at a subsequent checkup another spot was found and excised.

Unfortunat­ely the cancerous cells had reached the second layer of skin and a larger, deeper excision was required.

Suffice to say, I’m now totally healed by the grace of God and always try to avoid being outside in the sun without sufficient protection – a bit difficult while living in Namibia where UV rays are among the most dangerous in the world.

Please take extra care of your skin and especially the sensitive skin of children. One bad sunburn can result in problems later in life.

Susan, your beauty is within. Never forget it. Physical beauty fades but God’s beauty remains forever. Be blessed always. CORRIE VAN ROOYEN, WINDHOEK

SI feel such empathy for Susan. I had a similar experience three years ago but fortunatel­y my dermatolog­ist picked up the cancer early and referred me to the most wonderful, caring plastic surgeon.

I had to have three operations. The first was to cut out the cancer on the right side of my nose and slightly onto my cheek, and to loosen a flap of skin on my forehead.

The second was to cut loose the flap of skin around my hairline and down both sides and then twist it and fit it over my nose. It was stitched only onto the bottom of my nose and resembled a small elephant trunk!

The skin was still attached to my forehead near the bridge of my nose so the blood could keep flowing into that piece of skin that was now a flap over my nose.

Once the flap was healthy, about three weeks later, the top part of the flap was cut off and the patch of skin was sewn onto my nose along the sides and the top.

Today you can hardly see the scars or notice the flap. The only snag is that I now have to pluck the hair from it as it came from close to my hairline!

I hope Susan gets to the right doctor to help her. JO-ANNE KLINKERT, LIMPOPO

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