YOU (South Africa)



Tooth enamel can be damaged by acids, leaving teeth painful and unsightly. The main cause of tooth decay is plaque, which consists of food residues, mucus and bacteria that occur in the mouth. The bacteria feed on fermentabl­e carbohydra­tes (sugars and starch) in food. When the carbohydra­tes break down they form an acid that gradually damages tooth enamel. Eventually the enamel wears through and cavities develop. The cavities get bigger and bacteria get into the tooth. This causes decay and toothache and can lead to infections and even loss of the tooth. A dentist fills tooth cavities with materials such as amalgam (a mixture of metals), gold or porcelain. When a lot of the enamel has worn away, a crown made of gold, porcelain or ceramic is bonded to the damaged tooth, completely covering it. If you’ve lost a tooth, a false (synthetic) tooth can be implanted, and if you’ve lost all your teeth a set of dentures can be made for you. To get rid of plaque you need to brush your teeth regularly with toothpaste containing fluoride, which makes the enamel more resistant to acid. Brush your teeth after every meal, and especially before bed. A toothbrush can help remove most of the plaque (brush in circular motions) but it can’t reach between the teeth, so you also need to use dental floss. Visit a dentist at least once a year to make sure your teeth and gums are healthy. At the dentist you can also have your teeth cleaned and polished.

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