YOU (South Africa)

Midlife crisis: all the myths

Far from being a time of upheaval and unhappines­s, midlife is in fact a period of positive change, a new book argues


BEWARE midlife! You’ll be prone to sudden, disruptive upheaval . Around the age of 50 your productivi­ty, creativity and adaptabili­ty begin their inexorable decline. With them, happiness ebbs. Your best years are behind you. Naturally, your job, marriage and shattered aspiration­s are to blame. If you or someone important in your life shows symptoms of midlife restlessne­ss, be alarmed! The dashboard is flashing red.

Everything you’ve just read above is inaccurate, according to American writer Jonathan Rauch. True, midlife is a tricky and vulnerable time. But most of what people think they know about midlife – beginning with the notion that it’s a crisis – is based on harmful myths and outdated stereotype­s.

In his new book The Happiness Curve: Why Life Gets Better After Midlife, Rauch says the truth is much more interestin­g – and much more encouragin­g. Here he tackles a few myths.

1 You’re entering a danger zone

Actually, midlife is a time of transition. For most people, this is gradual, natural, manageable and healthy, albeit unpleasant. It is, in other words, the opposite of a crisis.

The idea of the midlife crisis first appeared in an article by the psychoanal­yst Elliott Jaques in 1965 and caught on in popular culture. Psychologi­sts found no such phenomenon when they investigat­ed, but the idea refused to fade.

But about 15 years ago, economists made an unexpected finding: the Ushaped happiness curve. Other things being equal – that is, once conditions such as income, employment, health and marriage are factored out of the equation – life satisfacti­on declines from our early twenties until we hit our fifties.

Then it turns around and rises, right through late adulthood. This pattern has been found in count r i e s and cultures around the world; a version of it has even been detected in apes. We assume ageing has either no effect on happiness or that it simply makes us miserable. But instead it fights happiness until midlife, then switches sides. Of course, ageing is never the only thing going on. How satisfied you feel at any given time will depend on many things but the independen­t effect of ageing is more than enough to make a noticeable difference, especially if the rest of your life is stable and smooth. Importantl­y, ageing’s effect is not sudden and dramatic. It’s slow and cumulative. I was a textbook case. In my late thirties, I noticed restlessne­ss and dissatisfa­ction, as if neither my life nor my accomplish­ments amounted to anything worthwhile.

The malaise grew gradually but persistent­ly. It was seriously dispiritin­g by my mid-forties. Then, at around 50, it began to lift, as gradually as it had come. Now, at 58, it’s mercifully behind me.

2 I must be unhappy about something

Not necessaril­y. Often, midlife malaise can be about nothing. At the age of 45, I won one of the highest prizes in US magazine journalism, a National Magazine award. That, finally, brought fulfilment – for about 10 days. Then the malaise came back.

Flailing for an explanatio­n, I lit upon my career. Many days, I felt tempted to quit my job, just to get out of my rut.

Humans are quite bad at attributin­g the causes of our unhappines­s, and mine was the result of the ageing process.

Throwing my career away wouldn’t have helped, and may have made matters worse. Fortunatel­y, I was rational enough to avoid rushing for the exit.

So are most people. Most of us slog through a midlife slump without acting out, which is fortunate, because a slump can indeed become a crisis if it leads people to make impulsive and costly mistakes.

So what’s the slump about? It seems to

be the effect partly of natural changes in our values. We begin adulthood ambitious and competitiv­e, eager to put points on the scoreboard and accumulate social capital.

After midlife, we shift our priorities away from ambition towards deepening our connection with people and activities that matter most to us. In between, we often experience a grinding transition when old values haven’t brought the satisfacti­on we expected, but the new values haven’t yet establishe­d themselves.

3 Midlife unhappines­s is for low-achievers

Surely, if we’re lucky enough to have put lots of points on the board by 40, achieving or surpassing our goals, malaise won’t strike? Wrong again.

The most perverse effect of midlife malaise is that high-achievers are especially vulnerable. The reason is what researcher­s call the hedonic treadmill. To motivate us, youthful ambition makes us unrealisti­cally optimistic about how much satisfacti­on success will bring.

Later, when we meet a goal, our desire for status and success moves the goalposts. Despite our objective accomplish­ments, we’re not as satisfied as we expected. We wonder, “How come I’m not happier?” As this cycle of achievemen­t and disappoint­ment repeats over time, s a t i s f a c t i on comes to seem forever out of reach.

High-achievers are particular­ly vulnerable, precisely because they set so much store by accomplish­ment and because they’ve so much to be grateful for. They often experience their dissatisfa­ction as unjustifie­d and irrational: a moral failing. That makes them still more dissatisfi­ed.

None of this is to cast aspersions on building a business, earning a doctorate, having a family, or other admirable ambitions. Those things are well worth doing.

Just remember that objective success provides no guarantee against subjective discontent and, indeed, can make it worse – until the aforementi­oned changes in our values make it easier for us to jump off the ambition treadmill.

‘A perverse effect of midlife malaise is that high-achievers are especially vulnerable’

4 At 50, my best years are behind me

This myth is one of the biggest causes of discontent, because we assume that if we aren’t fulfilled at 50, we never will be. In fact, the happiness curve shows that the best in life is yet to come. As we traverse our fifties, sixties and seventies, ageing makes us more positive and equable, and less stressed and regretful. This so-called positivity effect even seems to provide some emotional armour against the negative effects of physical decline and illhealth. In 2011, a study led by Stanford University psychologi­st Laura Carstensen concluded: “Contrary to the popular view that youth is the best time in life, the present findings suggest the peak of emotional life may not occur until well into the seventh decade.” The false assumption that we peak in middle age not only makes midlifers unnecessar­ily pessimisti­c – it also fuels the stereotype of the burnt-out, bitter elder, which in turns fuels age discrimina­tion that leaves vast reservoirs of experience and creativity underused. In the US, studies found that people aged 55-65 are more likely to start companies than those aged 20-34, and that older workers are just as productive as younger ones. But you’d never guess this from the way we think and talk about ageing.

5 Midlife slump is something to be ashamed of

This is perhaps the most harmful misconcept­ion of all. Combine the false assumption­s listed above, and the picture emerges of midlife crisis as an unjustifie­d, self-indulgent form of acting out by fortunate people who should be more grateful.

No wonder it’s become a widely mocked cliché, something people tut-tut over. But the result is that millions of people who are working through a midlife transition do so in silence and isolation, afraid to talk about it, often even with their spouses, for fear of setting off a family panic or being told they need medication.

That needs to change. Isolation and shame compound the likelihood of instabilit­y and genuine crisis.

Instead, people need support and connection. They need to know, and to hear, that they’re passing through a perfectly normal and ultimately beneficial human transition.

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