YOU (South Africa)



This can be made hours in advance, but reserve the dressing until ready to serve. It’s best eaten on the same day. SERVES 4 PREPARATIO­N: 10 MIN COOKING: ABOUT 10 MIN 400g fresh broccoli florets, cut into chunky bite-size pieces 30ml (2T) sunflower seeds 15ml (1T) oil 6 rashers streaky bacon, diced DRESSING 125ml (½c) good-quality mayonnaise 15ml (1T) white wine vinegar 5ml (1t) honey TO FINISH 1 shallot or small red onion, peeled and finely chopped 60ml (¼c) chopped sundried tomatoes t – teaspoon/s T – tablespoon/s 1 Cook the broccoli in boiling salted water over medium to high heat for 2 minutes, then drain in a sieve and pour cold water over the florets to cool immediatel­y. Leave in the sieve to drain well. 2 Toast the sunflower seeds in a frying pan over a medium heat for 2-3 minutes, shaking the pan to toast evenly. Remove the seeds from the pan and set aside. 3 Heat the oil in the same frying pan over medium to high heat and fry the bacon for 4 minutes, until crispy. Transfer to a plate lined with paper towel and set aside. 4 Dressing Whisk the

ingredient­s together. 5 To finish Assemble the salad by mixing the broccoli, shallot or onion and tomatoes in a large c – cup/s bowl. Toss in the dressing. Before serving, mix in most of the bacon and sunflower seeds and scatter the rest on top.


Salads can be dressed up in various ways, with so many interestin­g and colourful sprouting beans or seeds, herbs or flowers available.

You could also vary the presentati­on of a single vegetable, such as sugar snap peas, with some shelled and others cut in half lengthways.

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