YOU (South Africa)

Seasonal advice


During the festive season many lives are lost on our roads. It should be the responsibi­lity of all road users to ensure safety on our roads this year.

Let all road users drive safely this festive season so they can avoid tragic road accidents.

Let’s avoid the grieving and sorrow that befalls the families of victims of fatal crashes.

Under no circumstan­ces should motorists and taxi drivers drink and drive. If you’ve had too much to drink, arrange to sleep at someone’s place.

Rather be safe than sorry. ANDRIES RORO KABINI, ROCKVILLE

S It’s that time of year again. Some call the festive season the silly season because it makes most people behave foolishly.

I urge everyone who’s getting their 13th cheque to save some money for January. It’s disturbing to see someone who was buying a truckload of beers for his friends and family in December queuing at the loan shark’s house in the first week of January.

Let’s stop making the same mistakes then blaming ourselves later on. We can’t do the same thing and expect different results.

Those people you’re trying to impress over Christmas by buying lots of alcohol won’t help you rebuild your life next year in January.

I’m not saying don’t enjoy yourself. You’ve worked hard during the year and deserve to reward yourself, but do so responsibl­y and within your budget.

Spend your money wisely. NELSON KHUMALO,TEMBISA

S As a 21-year-old student I feel the need to advise all parents to spend their money wisely this December.

They mustn’t forget January is knocking, and kids will need uniforms, stationery and so on.

So please avoid unnecessar­y debt and save for the future. CONCERNED, EMAIL

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