YOU (South Africa)


Don’t bite off more than you can chew



The Sun moves into your sign this week, which means it’ll soon be time to celebrate your birthday and start a new personal year. It’s an apt period to set intentions, whether there are goals to achieve, books to read, places to explore, characteri­stics to develop or traits to abolish. Since there’s a danger of biting off more than you can chew, try to be realistic with your objectives and don’t overestima­te your capabiliti­es. YOUR LUCKY NUMBERS 33, 42, 52, 23, 9, 26


With Mercury, master of the tongue, in reverse gear, it’s a time to take care with all modes of communicat­ion. Don’t leave any room for misconcept­ion, whether you write emails, make phone calls or address others in meetings. Delays, technologi­cal glitches and changes of plan are on the cards too. You might be in for a challengin­g time, especially if you’re a typical organised Capricorn who likes to have all their ducks in a row. YOUR LUCKY NUMBERS 51, 45, 21, 34, 30, 10


21 JAN – 18 FEB It’s a good week to mull things over, which isn’t that out of line for an Aquarius who likes to spend time on reflection. You could ponder on the wonders of technology or contemplat­e the unfairness of the world, but it’s also a good time to review your situation and make long-term plans for your personal and profession­al growth. YOUR LUCKY NUMBERS 36, 16, 12, 11, 33, 43


19 FEB – 20 MARCH The Sun moves into your profession­al horoscope this week, throwing the spotlight on your aspiration­s. Whether you want to follow a dream career, play a pivotal role in your community or have visions of a better world, it’s time to make hay while the sun shines. Instead of just dreaming, try to act on your goals. It’s important not to get disillusio­ned when the going gets tough. YOUR LUCKY NUMBERS 7, 41, 52, 31, 26, 50


21 MARCH – 19 APRIL The Sun moves into a compatible fire sign this week, which should make it easy for you to express yourself creatively and channel your energy into artistic endeavours. Explore latent creative traits, be daring and switch genres or, if art is a hobby, take it to a profession­al level. Your enthusiasm, motivation and drive should be boosted this week. YOUR LUCKY NUMBERS 49, 40, 46, 3, 32, 22


20 APRIL – 20 MAY If you’re a true Taurus, money matters and material security can be a top priority. Resources you hold with your partner might come under the spotlight this week. It’s a good time for the two of you to review your assets or investment­s and consider ways to grow your portfolio. Since it’s a time to be cautious when signing contracts, make sure you read the fine print. YOUR LUCKY NUMBERS 35, 17, 13, 4, 8, 51


21 MAY – 20 JUNE The gift of the gab, a significan­t Gemini trait, can let you down this week. It’s not only a matter of misunderst­andings complicati­ng life, you may also be prone to blurring facts, making sharp comments and telling tall tales. It would be wise to guard your tongue and take great care with words, lest you burn bridges or get egg on your face. YOUR LUCKY NUMBERS 25, 48, 15, 5, 6, 35


21 JUNE – 21 JULY With the cosmic trickster, Mercury, in reverse gear, you can expect little niggles causing considerab­le problems. It seems to be at the workplace in particular where you may need to be prepared. Whether its technologi­cal glitches, changed schedules or miscommuni­cation, all may not go well. But it’s a good time to get back to the drawing board to review projects or plans. YOUR LUCKY NUMBERS 6, 38, 51, 50, 29, 20


22 JULY – 22 AUG With the Sun moving into a compatible fire sign this week, you should feel comfortabl­e in your own skin. You can look forward to a confidence boost. This could be helpful if you want to launch a work project, charm someone into your arms or exhibit your creative talents. But do your best to guard against pride, which could come before a fall. YOUR LUCKY NUMBERS 8, 47, 27, 18, 49, 7


23 AUG – 22 SEPT Accommodat­ing Venus has taken a turn for the better, which should smooth the road for courteous relationsh­ips. Still, communicat­ion glitches can take their toll. It’s an apt time to put the Virgo trait of precision to good use, so watch your words and listen carefully. This isn’t the time to make assumption­s or take offhand remarks by colleagues or friends personally. YOUR LUCKY NUMBERS 22, 39, 28, 2, 52, 36


23 SEPT – 22 OCT If you’re a true Libra, chances are you’ll want to please all and sundry – which, apart from being a pipe dream, isn’t always in your best interest. Try to be assertive in word and deed. With diplomacy a Libra hallmark, standing your ground can probably be done tactfully. It’s a great week to give decisivene­ss a go – small decisions can lead to big results. YOUR LUCKY NUMBERS 50, 32, 44, 19, 37, 45


23 OCT – 21 NOV The Sun moves into your financial horoscope this week, highlighti­ng money matters. With Jupiter, helping hand of the zodiac, residing in this area of your life for the next year, it’s a great time to focus on setting financial goals. Whether you want to earn more, spend less or make your money work for you through saving or investing, it’s time to employ your financial acumen. YOUR LUCKY NUMBERS 43, 24, 1, 14, 10, 11

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