YOU (South Africa)



Your feature on vegans (YOU, 29 November) brought to mind what the late renowned, and sadly missed, chef Anthony Bourdain had to say on the subject: “Vegetarian­s, and their splinter-faction, the vegans, are a persistent irritant to any chef worth a damn. To me, life without veal stock, pork fat, sausage, organ meat, demi-glace or even stinky cheese isn’t a life worth living.”

I’m inclined to agree. WILLIAM, CAPE TOWN

Thank you so very much for your recipes and article on being a vegan. Kirstin Buick writes in her article, “Socialisin­g isn’t that hard – many South African wines, including my favourite, are vegan-friendly.”

If you go into most bottle stores they’ll tell you wine contains gelatin (animal by-products) in its processing.

I now buy only organic wine from Woolworths. DIANE EASY, CAPE TOWN

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