YOU (South Africa)



SOPHIE AND SHEBA ★★ 2010, 100 min, PG,, 14:30. Drama. A 17-year-old girl who grew up in her parent’s circus dreams of going to ballet school. But when she finds out her parents sold their elephant, Sheba, to pay for her tuition, she abandons her plans and sets out to find Sheba. Brittany Bristow, Erica Durance.

THE MATRIX RELOADED ★★★★ 2003, 138 min, 16V,, 22:00. Sci-fi action. The sequel to The Matrix. A group of rebels must defend the last human city from a robot attack. Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne.

GIRL’S BEST FRIEND ★★★ 2008, 90 min, PG13L,, 02:30. Comedy. A grumpy music critic goes on a road trip across America with the Jack Russell she inherited from her mom. Janeane Garofalo, Kris Holden-Ried.

WARREN ★★★ 2014, 84 min, PG13, M-Net, 04:30. Comedy. A wannabe stand-up comedian must decide if he wants to get back together with his ex-girlfriend or to pursue his dreams. Alex Beh, Sarah Habel.

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