YOU (South Africa)

Time to get even

Dark marks and patches on the skin can affect your self-esteem. Here’s a guide to preventing and reducing pigmentati­on


What causes skin to darken?


When the sun’s rays reach the skin, melanin production is triggered as this is how the skin protects itself. This can result in the developmen­t of dark patches and spots.


When you squeeze or pop a pimple, the area becomes inflamed and bacteria can get in. After the inflamed area heals, you can be left with a scar and discoloura­tion.


During pregnancy, parts the body, such as the stomach and neck, can become darker. Some contracept­ives can also cause darkening of the skin.

Preventing pigmentati­on

One of the most common causes of pigmentati­on is exposure to the sun, so your first line of defence is sunscreen. This will help to prevent the sun’s rays from triggering melanin production in the skin.

Use a sunscreen with a minimum sun protection factor (SPF) of 15. The highest SPF you can get is 50. A lower SPF sunscreen (which costs less) isn’t necessaril­y less effective – you just need to apply it more often. Sunscreen can also protect you from other environmen­tal factors such as pollution. Pollution causes chemical reactions in the skin which can result in breakouts.

You should also try to limit the amount of time you spend in the sun. If your job requires you to be outside, wear protective clothing to avoid overexposi­ng your skin to the sun’s rays.

If you have acne or pimples, it’s best not to fiddle with them as this irritates the skin and can lead to scarring.


You need about 5ml (½ teaspoon) sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 15 for your face.

It’s great if your moisturise­r contains sunscreen, but top up with a separate sunscreen.

If you’re in direct sunlight for extended periods, reapply your sunscreen every two hours.

Effects of pigmentati­on

Dark spots and patches can affect your self-esteem because they’re so obvious.

People with pigmentati­on often end up wearing excess makeup in an attempt to hide the spots and patches, and this can damage the skin.

Pigmentati­on due to sun exposure can have a premature ageing effect.

Skin pigmentati­on conditions

VITILIGO This causes cells to stop producing melanin, leading to white patches on the skin. The condition can affect the hair and eyes too.

FRECKLES These are spots on the skin with high concentrat­ions of melanin. They’re often hereditary and can darken with sun exposure. They can also become less obvious if sun exposure is kept to a minimum.

Removing pigmentati­on

Chemical peels at a skin clinic can gradually reduce discoloura­tion.

Micro-needling encourages the skin to heal and renew itself.

Topical skincare products can help with moderate pigmentati­on by brightenin­g and lightening the skin.

Your dermatolog­ist can also prescribe medication that reduces dark marks.

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