YOU (South Africa)

Students’ smart device for the blind

They’ve built a device that can help the blind to ‘see’ – and they dream of making life simpler for others too


JOSTLED by a passing student as they were walking and chatting, Siphamandl­a Mqcina and Philanjalo Ndlovu were annoyed at first, then mildly embarrasse­d when they realised It was a blind student who’d bumped into them on campus at the Tshwane University of Technology (Tut). That chance encounter inspired the duo to invent a futuristic device that could change the way blind and visually impaired people navigate the world.

Called C4Me, the prototype looks like an oversized pair of virtual-reality goggles, but for the wearer it’s like having a talking guide dog.

The device contains several sensors that guide wearers by pinpointin­g their location and destinatio­n, and provides audio instructio­ns to direct them.

It also warns them of obstacles, can identify banknotes and can be linked to cellphones to answer calls and read messages.

Siphamandl­a and Philanjalo’s invention earned them a trip to Toronto, Canada, where they represente­d South Africa at the Red Bull Basement University Global Workshop. The internatio­nal event showcases creations that make a difference in people’s lives.

Student inventors from universiti­es representi­ng more than 20 countries took part.

“We didn’t build C4Me for us – we wanted to help blind people,” Phila (26) says. “I often hear successful people say, ‘Never do something for the money, do it for passion. Money will come eventually.’ This has been proven.”

As evidence of their dedication to serving people, when they started working on C4Me they didn’t even know about the Red Bull event. They simply wanted to help.

The pair forked out about R3 500 of their own money to build two C4Me prototypes from scratch, with some help from a 3D printer at Wits University’s Tshimologo­ng Digital Innovation Precinct in Braamfonte­in.

“We made sacrifices because we believed in this,” Siphamandl­a (21) says. “We did it because we wanted to help blind students on campus. “For us this is personal, so we gave our time, our money and our energy,” he told TimesLive.

Now, having shown their invention to the world, they believe anything is possible.

GROWING up, he didn’t have an easy life. Phila, who’s from Mpumalanga, completed his matric in 2013 but was unable to attend university as his unemployed mother couldn’t afford the fees.

The following year he found work at a retailer. But he really wanted to further his studies, he tells us.

“Some people would tell me I was crazy for wanting to resign because having a job is a blessing in itself. I thought to myself, rather than being stuck in a job I don’t like, I should just start afresh and try to figure out how I can start studying.”

He eventually applied for a National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) bursary and in 2017 enrolled for an IT course at Tut.

He moved to Soshanguve in Pretoria to be closer to campus, and it was there

‘We made sacrifices because we believed in this’

he met Siphamandl­a. They were both specialisi­ng in intelligen­t industrial systems, the study of the applicatio­n of robots and robotic systems in industry. As a child Siphamandl­a, who grew up in Brits in North West, was fascinated by how things work and would spend hours taking apart old TVs, stereos and other gadgets – then reassembli­ng them. “I knew from an early age this gave me the greatest satisfacti­on,” he says. It was an obsession, but he had no idea it could become a career until a friend suggested he look into IT. But like Phila’s, his family couldn’t afford to send him to university. Siphamandl­a was orphaned at a young age and raised by his grandmothe­r. His faith has helped him a lot, he says. “I was raised in a Christian home. When things got tough and I felt overwhelme­d with how I was going to get into university, I prayed. Honestly, with how everything has turned out for me, I’d say it’s all God’s doing.” With help from relatives he was able to scrape enough money together to go to Tut, but the daily four-hour round-trip commute by taxi between Brits and Pretoria was exhausting. “I was often late for classes. The long distance was really affecting my studies, but I had to push through,” Siphamandl­a says. He applied for NSFAS funding. After seven months of waiting for his applicatio­n to be approved, he was able to move closer to Tut and has thrived in his studies.

THE pair met in their second year when they were in the same class and were assigned a project to create a boom gate, Siphamandl­a recalls. “Now that was an exciting project – seeing something you created come alive,” he says.

They quickly hit it off as they saw a lot of themselves in each other. “I admired his commitment to our studies,” Phila says. “He was so dedicated to projects and he was a hard worker. In our many conversati­ons we had similar perspectiv­es and aspiration­s.”

When they found out about the Red Bull competitio­n they jumped into action. They built their prototypes in three weeks and, just hours before entries closed, submitted a video explaining what it was.

“We couldn’t believe we were selected as finalists as we weren’t really that experience­d with creating videos that would be considered for such a big opportunit­y,” Siphamandl­a says. “We doubted ourselves. When we found out we’d won [the SA leg], we went crazy. That was easily the best moment of my life.”

Travelling to Canada and meeting brilliant, like-minded inventors from other countries was an experience of a lifetime, they tell us.

“It was a dream to travel but not one I thought would come true while I was a student,” Phila says.

They didn’t make it further than the top 10 but still see their accomplish­ment as a victory. The guys intend to continue working on their device and are looking for sponsors and developers to help them manufactur­e and improve it.

Having completed their studies last year, they also hope to find internship­s in the automation and programmin­g world.

“We can’t wait to start working on other projects too, specifical­ly robotics, and projects that will simplify people’s lives,” Phila says. “That’s where the future is.” In Toronto they were offered a sixmonth Portugal-based internship, for which they’re trying to raise funds.

“We come from townships but we don’t have to have [an] ‘I can’t’ or ‘I won’t’ attitude,” Phila says. “Never focus on your background, how you were raised or where you come from. Don’t limit yourself because you’ll be creating a generation­al pattern for your children too.

“Sometimes you struggle through life – but keep on dreaming big because you never know if your dreams will come true. This experience for me was proof that all I dream of is possible.”

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 ??  ?? RIGHT: Innovators Siphamandl­a Mqcina (left) and Philanjalo Ndlovu. ABOVE: The C4Me device they invented to help blind people to find their way around more easily.
RIGHT: Innovators Siphamandl­a Mqcina (left) and Philanjalo Ndlovu. ABOVE: The C4Me device they invented to help blind people to find their way around more easily.
 ??  ?? RIGHT: Philanjalo looks forward to perfecting the device they created as students.
RIGHT: Philanjalo looks forward to perfecting the device they created as students.
 ??  ?? ABOVE: Siphamandl­a says he finds purpose in creating new gadgets.
ABOVE: Siphamandl­a says he finds purpose in creating new gadgets.
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