YOU (South Africa)



By LIONEL SHRIVER HarperColl­ins The author has a knack of being able to tackle issues and make readers see them in a new way – she did it with school shootings in We Need To Talk About Kevin, obesity in Big Brother, and illness and the unfairness of the American healthcare system in So Much For That.

In this book she takes a satirical look at the cult of exercise and the impact it can have on a relationsh­ip.

Serenata has run, swum, and cycled all her life but in her 60s she develops arthritic knees and she’s forced to slow down. But just as she does so, her previously sedentary husband, Remington, becomes a fitness nut and signs up to compete in the ultra-gruelling triathlon Mettle Man.

For Serenata, who’s struggling to deal with the failings of her own body, it’s all too much to handle and it puts the already quarrelsom­e couple on a collision course.

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