YOU (South Africa)





20 APRIL – 20 MAY If you feel like retreating from the world, it’s time to heed the feeling and make some time for yourself. Think of this as a necessary time to recharge and replenish your batteries to prevent yourself from running low on energy. You need to take care of yourself first before you can take care of others. Try not to get embroiled in an argument with a friend, but if you have to stand up for yourself, you’ll have to be that bull in a china shop. At the very least, it’ll bring much-needed clarity. YOUR LUCKY NUMBERS 48, 10, 8, 33, 15, 40


21 MAY – 20 JUNE With assertive Mars squaring up to Mercury this week, you’re in the mood to pick a fight with someone. Be selective about your opponents as you wouldn’t want for this to be a pointless argument. Something or someone at work is irking you and this is where you should deploy your debating skills. Sound preparatio­n is needed to win your case. YOUR LUCKY NUMBERS 31, 28, 25, 4, 45, 14


21 JUNE – 21 JULY For a home-loving Cancer, it may be odd to have the essence and focus of your life situated on the career front this week. Make the most of it though, as there’s a chance you can put structures in place that’ll not only secure your future, but also change your work culture. Pay no attention to someone who’s coming at you with anger or aggression. YOUR LUCKY NUMBERS 12, 1, 39, 31, 32, 44


22 JULY – 22 AUG You’re in the mood to travel – whether it’s virtual, armchair or real life. Try not to be impulsive about it as the joy of travelling often lies in the planning. Whether or not you involve friends in this, keep in mind that you may have different budgets, which can lead to a situation of tension and even friction. Your partner seems well-equipped to calm your troubled waters. YOUR LUCKY NUMBERS 28, 1, 47, 5, 17, 42


23 AUG – 22 SEPT The emphasis this week is on what you share with another person: your life, money, resources, emotions. These things are often taken for granted until there’s conflict, which may raise its head this week. Something may have been brewing under the surface and you and your partner may have things to get off your chests. Try to avoid harsh words. YOUR LUCKY NUMBERS 15, 46, 20, 13, 25, 17


23 SEPT – 22 OCT Venus moves into your love horoscope, so spend extra time with your loved one or pursue a new love interest. If another person appears to be a little brusque with you, be mindful that you’re not bearing the brunt of someone else’s bad temper. Try to harvest this energy to engage in discussion­s with others where you agree to disagree. YOUR LUCKY NUMBERS 44, 6, 39, 41, 14, 37


23 OCT – 21 NOV Your health and well-being require some attention. Instead of just taking it for granted, take stock to see which aspects of your health may be out of balance. You’ll find the energy within you to start a new routine, whether that means exercise, diet or your mental health. Be wary of anything too extreme or fanatical as it’s likely to be short-lived. YOUR LUCKY NUMBERS 30, 19, 38, 37, 2, 46


22 NOV – 20 DEC You’re in the mood to let your hair down. If you are typical of your sign, you might be inclined to go over the top and in doing so, you’re likely to rub your partner the wrong way. This may lead to words between the two of you, but on the other hand, it may not be a bad thing to clear the air. Just be careful of what you say in the heat of the moment. YOUR LUCKY NUMBERS 48, 11, 27, 40, 23, 41


21 DEC – 20 JAN A thing Capricorn strives for is to have a secure and predictabl­e stream of income. You’re making headway in this process, whether that means trimming you budget or curbing expenses. A sibling or neighbour might be inclined to stick their nose into your business, but you’ll be able to deal with this swiftly. Home is where your heart should be. YOUR LUCKY NUMBERS 23, 17, 14, 5, 45, 30


21 JAN – 18 FEB Your life is all about balancing processes and streamlini­ng. Allow yourself the room to try this out without necessaril­y getting it right at the onset. Your confidence is on the rise, so be bold in striding forward with passion and purpose. You’re full of ideas and before you know it, you’re brainstorm­ing with anyone who’s happy to engage with you. YOUR LUCKY NUMBERS 37, 48, 12, 32, 21, 1


19 FEB – 20 MARCH Money is on your mind, whether you need to draft a new budget, earn more money or reconsider how you share financial duties. You and your partner are going to bump heads over this, but try to stay rational instead of getting emotional. The two of you might come up with some new ideas that neither of you thought to pursue previously. YOUR LUCKY NUMBERS 23, 44, 10, 6, 17, 45

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