YOU (South Africa)



Soft naan breads topped with curry – this combinatio­n is so delicious it’s guaranteed to become a dinnertime staple.


SPEEDY CURRY 30ml (2T) olive oil 30g butter 500g skinless, boneless chicken thighs, in quarters salt 1 onion 2 garlic cloves 6cm fresh ginger ½ green chilli 10ml (2t) fennel seeds 30ml (2T) garam masala 1 x 400g can whole peeled tomatoes 200ml (¾c) coconut cream NAAN 350g mozzarella cheese, grated 30ml (2T) full-fat Greek yoghurt 120g almond flour 10ml (2t) fennel seeds 15ml (1T) baking powder a pinch of salt 2 large eggs 30ml (2T) butter 2 garlic cloves, chopped TO SERVE a small handful of fresh coriander

Preheat the oven to 200°C. Line a large baking sheet with baking paper. 1 Speedy curry Heat the oil and butter in a large frying pan over medium to high heat. Season the chicken with salt and add to the pan. Cook for a few minutes while you prepare the onion and spices. 2 Combine the onion, garlic, ginger and chilli in the bowl of a food processor and pulse to chop roughly. Add to the chicken in the pan and cook for 5 minutes. 3 Add the fennel seeds and garam masala and cook for 1 minute. Add the tomatoes (squash them with a fork) and coconut cream and leave to simmer 15 minutes. 4 Naan In the meantime, make the naan. Combine the mozzarella and yoghurt in a large glass bowl. Microwave for 2– 3 minutes until melted, then stir until well combined. 5 In a medium bowl, combine the almond flour, fennel seeds, baking powder, salt and eggs. 6 Working quickly while the cheese is still hot, add the flour mixture to the cheese mixture and mix well using a wooden spoon or spatula. Turn out onto a clean surface and knead a bit until combined into a dough. 7 Form the dough into a ball. Divide into 4 and roll each piece between two layers of baking paper to about 5mm thick. Put the naan breads on the prepared baking sheet and bake for 8–11 minutes until golden brown. 8 Put the butter and garlic in a small bowl and microwave for 1 minute until melted. 9 Brush the naan with garlic butter as soon as it comes out of the oven. 10 To serve Top the naan with the curry and fresh coriander.

(Turn over)

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