YOU (South Africa)

Charlene’s twins enjoy a fun day out with Dad

It was playtime for Charlene’s adorable twins, Gabriella and Jacques, when they enjoyed an outing to Monaco’s E-Prix with Dad


THEY may be the kids of a prince, pint-sized members of one of the highest-profile royal families in Europe and the son and daughter of one of South Africa’s most glamorous and intriguing exports. But when it comes to having fun, Princess Gabriella and Prince Jacques of Monaco are just like any other six-year-olds.

Clowning about? Goofing around with a cousin? Going to Dad for a hug every now and then? Check, check, check.

It was a delightful display of playfulnes­s that showed, yes, the twins do often have to be on their best behaviour at important events – but at heart they’re happy, energetic youngsters who really just want to have fun.

The occasion was the Monaco E-Prix, a biennial Formula E (electric) world-championsh­ip car race through the streets of Monte Carlo against the glittering backdrop of the Mediterran­ean Sea.

Their mom, Princess Charlene, wasn’t present on the platform overlookin­g the track so it was up to their dad, Prince Albert; cousin Pierre Casiraghi (33), son of Albert’s sister Princess Caroline (64); and a few minders to keep an eye on the kids. Gabriella and Jacques were also joined by their cousin Kaia- Rose Wittstock (7), daughter of Charlene’s brother Gareth (41), who’s the general secretary of her charity foundation, and the trio hammed it up and giggled together as they watched the race.

Clearly the noise got a bit much for Jacques at one stage – the prince, cool in a pair of shades, put his fingers in his ears as the cars zoomed by.

Gabriella, who’s looking more and more like her mom, was cute in a Daisy Duck-emblazoned denim dress by children’s fashion house Monnalisa that retails for €173 (R2 941).

The twins are clearly close too – one especially adorable snap shows Jacques hugging his sister, who has her head thrown back in glee.

Almost from day one, it’s been clear Gabriella is the more outgoing of the two – something her parents have conceded.

“In broad terms, Jacques is a little more shy and a little quieter but he can also come up with some funny things,” Albert told People magazine recently.

“He’s a great observer and loves to size up the situation. Then he’ll go for it.

“Gabriella is more outgoing and she definitely has the gift of the gab. She’s just a character who loves to dance and sing. She has no qualms about being in front of people.”

THE twins may be fun-loving kids but they’re also royals and Albert (63) and Charlene (43) have been gently getting them used to the fact they’ll have more duties as they get older – Jacques in particular.

The boy will succeed his father to the Monegasque throne, despite being born two minutes after his sister, as Monaco law dictates precedence is given to the male heir.

“It’s basically just explaining to them in


the simplest terms what royal duty is all about,” Albert says. “We’re not going to do a whole drilling process of explaining to them step by step what’s expected of them. We don’t want to put them in the spotlight too much. It’s a case-by-case opportunit­y for now, so it remains special for them.”

Jacques and Gabriella’s personalit­ies were also on display when their mother shared a cute candid snap of her family to mark Easter last month.

The twins looked straight into the camera, huge smiles on their faces, while Jacques wrapped his arms around his sister.

After a rather trying 2020, things seem to have improved for Monaco’s first family. Albert battled Covid-19 last year and admitted to having lingering symptoms, including fatigue.

He also opened up in a TV documentar­y about enduring loneliness and boredom as the head of the royal household, indicating that life wasn’t always a bed of roses.

“There’s not enough room for spontaneou­s activities. Even spontaneit­y has to be scheduled,” he said.

Then Charlene’s foundation, the Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation, was in the spotlight after French magazine Paris Match claimed, among other things, that it had been the subject of financial mismanagem­ent. Charlene called it “a total fabricatio­n” (YOU, 17 September 2020) and stressed she remained committed to her various charities.

Drama erupted again at the end of the year when a woman claimed Albert was the father of her illegitima­te child, who was born in 2005. Neither Albert nor Charlene commented on the claims and there appears to be no update on the court case the woman was bringing.

The couple put on a united front in family pictures and Charlene recently hailed her husband as “loyal, determined and courageous”.

“When my husband has problems, he tells me about it. I often tell him, ‘No matter what, no matter what, I’m 1 000 percent behind you. I’ll stand by you whatever you do, in good times or in bad’.”

Charlene and Albert remain dedicated to each other and to their children, a palace insider says. They’re a unit, no matter what – and the obvious happiness of their children speaks to that.

 ??  ?? Princess Gabriella and Prince Jacques of Monaco looked adorable while attending an electric car world-championsh­ip race in Monte Carlo.
Princess Gabriella and Prince Jacques of Monaco looked adorable while attending an electric car world-championsh­ip race in Monte Carlo.
 ??  ?? LEFT and BELOW LEFT: The twins struck poses and waved to the cameras. RIGHT: With their dad, Prince Albert, and cousin Kaia-Rose Wittstock.
ABOVE: The twins are clearly close – in one cute snap Jacques hugs his sister. LEFT: The noise seemed to get too much for the little boy at times.
LEFT and BELOW LEFT: The twins struck poses and waved to the cameras. RIGHT: With their dad, Prince Albert, and cousin Kaia-Rose Wittstock. ABOVE: The twins are clearly close – in one cute snap Jacques hugs his sister. LEFT: The noise seemed to get too much for the little boy at times.
 ??  ?? Princess Charlene shared this picture of the family painting Easter eggs on Instagram in April.
Princess Charlene shared this picture of the family painting Easter eggs on Instagram in April.
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