YOU (South Africa)



You don’t have to be having sex to give your sex life a refresh. These will also have the desired knock-on effect.

■ Go out with friends together: Desire feeds on newness. Seeing your partner in the company of others makes you see them through fresh eyes. And don’t stick to the same group of friends – mix it up! Say yes to invitation­s that expose you to different people and things.

■ Flirt with each other: Are you snorting with derision? Don’t! Whenever I read this piece of advice, I used to think, ‘Oh, for goodness sake, flirting seems so forced and silly when you’ve been together forever’.

That was until I studied a really happy couple I know and realised they’ve never stopped flirting. There it was – the extended, adoring eye gaze we all do at the start. Standing really close, giving full attention, lots of touching.

Maybe they’re just like that? Or maybe the flirting has kept them in love. Give it a whirl.

■ Do exciting things: But not that new restaurant you’ve heard about. Do something shocking that will get your heart thudding. Jolt your brain into falling back into lust – any adrenaline-boosting activity increases dopamine in your brain, making you feel lustier and more in love. Do things that slightly freak you out – ride a roller coaster!

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