YOU (South Africa)



I’m now 65 years old and suddenly I feel so old and that my body is giving up. I’ve been told I need a hip replacemen­t.

My eye specialist tells me I need to have my cataracts removed and my doctor also tells me I need to be less anxious and sensitive to things that are happening to me.

I suddenly feel as if life is getting the better of me.

My husband has to work away from home frequently and I end up feeling lonely and sad.

I try to keep myself busy with housework and reading, but it doesn’t help.

How can I feel young and vigorous again?

Alta, email

There are a few things that may cause you to suddenly feel old and run down. The first is that you are having medical problems that often start to happen around your age.

Just take one thing at a time.

Hip replacemen­ts are usually highly successful if you listen to the advice of your doctor and do the exercise he or she recommends.

Cataract operations are also often successful if you again listen to the advice of your doctor after the operation.

Let your specialist do one cataract first and then if it has healed you can see the results.

This will make you less anxious and helpless. To not be able to use both eyes at once isn’t advisable so if possible, avoid having them done simultaneo­usly.

Although you’re trying to keep yourself busy at home when your husband is away, try and do some things outside the home such as helping out at an old age home, an orphanage or at an animal shelter.

When one is busy helping other people or animals your own problems seem to fade in the background.

Your body is not giving up. It is only showing a bit of wear and tear like most things when they get older.

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