Your Baby & Toddler


Sun, wind, pollutants and just plain everyday life all take their toll on that delicate baby skin


There is nothing quite as soft and delicate as a newborn baby’s skin – the ultimate blank slate that’s free of any blemishes, rashes and any other marks that we accumulate over a lifetime. It can come as surprise then, that even a newborn’s perfect skin can be beset with a multitude of conditions that mar its perfect appearance. Remember that your baby spent about nine months in the relatively liquid world of your womb, surrounded by amniotic fluid. At birth she was suddenly exposed to a much drier environmen­t, and while her body prepared her for this by forming a waxy substance called vernix to insulate her, it soon rubs off (don’t try to wash it off) – and her skin is left to its own devices. With newborn skin being quite delicate, your baby will need time to adapt and develop, and so skin rashes and other issues can be expected. You’ll also notice your baby’s skin and its various issues change over time as she grows from baby to toddler. Here’s what you need to know to look after it, keeping it perfect for as long as possible.


If you notice your new baby's skin peeling slightly within her first few days, don't worry. This is simply the layer of vernix that is comiing off and should be sorted within a few days. This is most noticeable over the palms of the hands, soles of the feet and ankles.


Babies are often born with small white bumps over the face, and mostly nose, which are caused by blocked sebaceous glands. These glands get blocked because they’re not quite developed yet, so oil gets trapped and forms spots. This is quite a common rash that is harmless and should clear up in a few weeks or months. You should never try to pop or squeeze these bumps as this can cause scarring or infection. If they become very red, see your doctor or clinic sister.


Pesky pimples aren’t just reserved for adolescenc­e!

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