Your Baby & Toddler

From the editor


They say some people live in the past, some in the present and some in the future. I’m definitely someone whose head is mostly in the future.

The past is over and done with and can’t be changed, so to me it seems like a waste of mental energy spending too much time dwelling on it.

The present can be a little too ‘real’ for someone like me who likes to dream and imagine. That must be why I love new year’s resolution­s so much. It gives us all a good excuse to talk about what we would like to change and improve in our lives. Looking back over the last few years’ plans though, I do have to admit that I often don’t stick to the resolution­s I announce with so much passion on 31 December. Experts say that to succeed your resolution­s should be very specific, but I’ve found that the opposite works for me. Being too specific just sets you up for failure; when you don’t stick to your plans it is easy to just give up in disgust at your own ‘weakness’.

Instead of specific resolution­s, I prefer to pick a theme for the year and then remind myself of the theme all the time. That way, when a curve ball comes my way, I can dodge it and give myself a little time to get back on track without becoming totally derailed.

Drumroll, please, for my personal theme for 2018 … gratitude. There are many things I would like to change about my life, but they are beyond my control to change (it’s called being an adult). So, instead of letting this depress me, I’ve decided to change what I can: Myself. I am going to cultivate an attitude of gratitude until it becomes a habit. I’ll set reminders on my calendar, read about gratitude, buy a tiny bracelet with the word on it, talk to my children about it, try and make it the first thing I think about in the morning and the last thing I think about at night, and keep a gratitude journal. I believe that this will have a much more transforma­tive effect on my life in 2018 than any other plan I can come up with. I also believe it will make me a better mother and role model to my children.

What are your plans for 2018? We’ve given you some ideas on page 20 to get you started. Write to us and let us know how you are changing your life this year.

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