Your Baby & Toddler

Health notebook: Fevers


Paediatric­ian Dr Ngwezi says, “Babies can have a low grade temperatur­e between 37 and 37.5º C, but this is not always considered a fever. Make sure the baby is not overdresse­d or in a hot environmen­t.

“A temperatur­e between 37.5 and 38º C is regarded as an elevation in temperatur­e and indicates the presence of a mild infection or a reaction to immunisati­on.

“A temperatur­e of more than 38º C is defined as fever. This indicates either viral or bacterial illness. Try bringing it down with a lukewarm bath and keep him cool, and if there is no success, paracetamo­l can be given with caution. If there’s no change after an hour, the baby must be taken to the doctor or hospital. Children with a temperatur­e exceeding 38.5º C are at a danger of developing febrile convulsion­s.”

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