Your Baby & Toddler

Baby Q&A

- Ann Richardson Author of Toddler Sense


My 18-month-old daughter started sleeping through at around 11 months and used to be a very good sleeper. But for the past two weeks she has been waking up at least two to three times a night, screaming inconsolab­ly, refusing to take the dummy and get back into her cot. Could this be the start of nightmares or night terrors, or is it just a normal phase for her age? A:

It sounds like your little one may be suffering from night terrors. These terrors should not be confused with bad dreams (or nightmares) and actually occur when a child is in deep sleep.

They are different to nightmares in that the child wakes up (usually screaming), looking terrified and anxious and is utterly inconsolab­le.

There is not much you can do for your child at this time other than holding her tightly and reassuring her that you are there when she wakes up. You may have to ensure she is fully awake before you attempt to calm her down.

Stay calm, sing a reassuring lullaby, and sit it out. Most night terrors subside after a few minutes but may occur more than once a night.

Research has shown that night terrors are common in children with abnormal sleep schedules, so try to encourage a daytime nap, move her bedtime earlier and avoid excessive stimulatio­n and sensory overload during the day, particular­ly before bedtime.

It is also important to bear in mind that 18 months of age is a peak time for separation anxiety, so try to spend some extra time with her during the day during this phase.

Nightmares are different to night terrors in that you can easily comfort your child after she’s had a nightmare, and often they don’t even wake up fully during a nightmare. They occur when we dream during the light sleep cycle of sleep and are part of normal sleep. They are usually a passing phase and have no lasting effect on your child – nor are they associated with any specific emotional problems.

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