Your Baby & Toddler

Healthy easting principles for young children


• Base your meals on complex carbohydra­tes, such as brown rice, wholewheat pasta, sweet and white potatoes.

• Eat five portions of fruit and

vegetables a day.

• Eat lean proteins such as meat, fish,

eggs, beans, pulses and lentils.

• Cut down on saturated fat (found in processed meats, pies, cakes and biscuits).

• Cut down on sugary foods such as

biscuits, cakes, sweets and chocolates. • Cut out sugary drinks such as sweetened fruit juices and fizzy drinks, and if you give your child unsweetene­d fruit juice, dilute it with water.

• The best drinks to give children are water and low-fat milk. Children who are introduced to sweet drinks at an early age tend to be less likely to regularly consume water later on in life. • Cut down on salt both in cooking and at the table. Take-aways, ready meals and processed meats are often high in salt, so read the food labels when you’re shopping.

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