Your Baby & Toddler

Nappy rash and antibiotic­s


Antibiotic­s often trigger diarrhoea, which causes two kinds of nappy rash: contact dermatitis from the stool and secondary thrush from the gut. The result is not pretty, and you’re usually left with a very unhappy baby.

“Antibiotic­s kill 80 percent of the healthy bugs in your baby’s gut, which leaves the fungus with no competitio­n, so it grows freely, resulting in thrush.

“A child with recurrent thrush who is on antibiotic­s should be on an anti-fungal too,” maintains Dr Paul Sinclair, a Cape Town paediatric­ian. While there isn’t hard evidence that probiotics reduce thrush and nappy rashes, lots of parents use them as they’ve been shown to reduce the severity of antibiotic-induced diarrhoea.

“Some parents even use a topical roll-on probiotic cream in the nappy area,” he says.

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