Your Baby & Toddler


Don’t let picking up or carrying your baby around wreak havoc on your posture


HOW DOES YOUR back feel after a long day of running after and picking up a little one?

Probably not great. That’s because doing all that fetching and carrying has a big effect on your posture. Poor posture may eventually result in numerous degenerati­ve issues, causing pain and discomfort in the particular joints involved.

Exercise is a really proactive way to help improve your posture, but it is also essential to be aware of your posture throughout your day-today activities.

Don’t lose heart if you can’t remember to hold your posture correctly all the time. Even if you manage to remember once a day it still means you’re working on it. Every bit helps.

Something else that helps build good posture into your day is using triggers to remind you to check your posture. For instance, use a particular colour like red or orange, and each time you see this colour, check your posture.

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