Your Pregnancy

Month four

Is it safe? What to avoid during your pregnancy to keep you and baby safe



A First up, very little dye is absorbed through the skin and the chances of this being absorbed by your foetus are even more minuscule. Research indicates the chemicals found in both semi-permanent and permanent dyes aren’t highly toxic and are safe to use during pregnancy. You have the option to ask your hair stylist to keep the dye off your scalp if you’re worried. Sister Henny de Beer, Origin Family-Centred Maternity Hospital’s clinical midwife specialist, warns that the results you’re looking for may not be up to scratch, however. “Due to hormonal changes, the pigmentati­on of your hair might change,” she says. She recommends wearing a mask at the salon to prevent inhaling chemicals. “Organic hair colours are recommende­d and Brazilian hair straighten­ing is definitely not,” she says.


A Nails aren’t living tissue, so anything you apply to them can’t be absorbed by your body. However, a salon that doesn’t practise good hygiene can be a breeding ground for a host of bacteria and fungi you want to avoid. Check that they have a standard procedure for sterilisin­g equipment, do not reuse non-metal tools and use gloves, says Sister de Beer. Is there certificat­ion posted on the wall? Ask that your cuticles – which protect the nail bed from bacteria and fungus – not be cut or pushed back. Nausea alert: the fumes that come off nail polish or adhesive glues may bring on a spell of green. Ask for a nail booth that is well ventilated and warn your consultant you are pregnant.

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