Your Pregnancy


Backache busters



strong back before and after a baby is a blessing. When your back hurts, it affects many other parts of your body as well. Anxiety and stress frequently manifest in our backs. It can cause you to become tired and grumpy. During pregnancy there is a natural tendency to sway back onto your heels as your centre of gravity changes. Your growing uterus and baby put pressure on the main supporters of the back – the abdominal muscles. If these are weak and give way, it will cause an exaggerate­d curve in the lumbar area and there will be more pressure in this area. A weakened pelvic floor and short, tight hamstring muscles will also play their part in adding to back strain. Any pelvic movement done during pregnancy will benefit both your abdominal and back muscles, and can be done standing, kneeling or on your back. The following exercises are great during the first and second trimesters, but some may need to be done standing if lying on your back becomes uncomforta­ble.

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