Your Pregnancy



Q: I am 22 years old and 27 weeks pregnant. When I went to the clinic they said my urine has leukocytes. I’m worried as I have a milky discharge. How long does it take to heal?


Your healthcare provider should check your urine at every visit. The reason for this is that urinary tract infections (bladder and/or kidney infections) are far more common in pregnancy and can present in unusual ways. In fact, they can even be asymptomat­ic. UTIs can cause problems in pregnancy and specifical­ly increase the risk of preterm labour. Signs that you may have a bladder infection include burning, frequency and pain passing urine. On a urine test there may be white blood cells (leukocytes), protein and nitrites. I’m sure the clinic gave you an antibiotic. The discharge you have now is most likely thrush – also very common in pregnancy and something women often get after taking antibiotic­s. This can cause itching, burning and a thick white discharge. It’s uncomforta­ble but isn’t dangerous to your pregnancy. Your clinic or a pharmacy can provide a cream for this.

 ?? DR BRONWYN MOORE ?? Gynaecolog­ist
DR BRONWYN MOORE Gynaecolog­ist

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