Your Pregnancy

Episiotomy: The cruellest cut?

A cut into the perineum to enlarge the opening of the vagina to help ease the birth – a practice first documented 200 years ago – is actually not required for most births, writes Tina Otte


ALTHOUGH EPISIOTOMY IS one of the most common surgical procedures carried out, their medical value is open to debate. There’s also debate over whether an episiotomy is preferable to a natural tear during labour.


An Irish doctor first discussed the advantages of episiotomy in 1742 for difficult births. Once local analgesia and suturing material were available, episiotomy became popular. In the 1920s, Dr Delee first advocated the practice of routine episiotomy with forceps delivery. Episiotomy then became popular worldwide, with some authoritie­s advocating routine episiotomi­es for all first-time mothers. There are some obstetrici­ans who still hold this opinion! As women become more informed about labour and birth and are more involved in the decisions regarding their care, the necessity for routine episiotomy is being questioned. Recent studies show that episiotomi­es are often performed unnecessar­ily and therefore the indication­s for doing them are being reviewed. Studies show that routine episiotomy isn’t required for most births.


Many experts agree that the following are valid reasons for giving a woman an episiotomy:


is in the breech position (bottom first instead of the usual head-first position) and is born vaginally (most breech babies will be delivered via Caesarean)

• is premature and can’t tolerate prolonged pushing against a perineum

• is in distress and needs to be born quickly (an episiotomy can reduce the length of the second stage of labour by 5 to 15 minutes)

• is very large (this is assessed by scan)

• or needs easing out by forceps, due to difficulty pushing or maternal exhaustion.


A 2017 literature review in the British medical research NGO Cochrane found no indication­s for doing routine episiotomi­es. Debatable reasons for doing an episiotomy are when the doctor or midwife feels that the perineum (the skin and tissues between the vagina and anus) is likely to tear as the baby’s head is born. There is the belief that a surgical cut is easier to repair, causes less pain and heals faster than a naturally occurring tear. A study done in 1987 by Dr Nancy Fleming concluded that “the naturally occurring laceration (tear) appears to be at least as good as an episiotomy statistica­lly and better than one clinically, when compared in the areas of sexual function, perineal pain, time of healing and change in perineal muscle function”. This means that medical studies have shown that when a tear occurs, it may be less painful and heal faster than an episiotomy, and not the other way around. Women with tears have also been found to resume sex sooner after birth and with less pain than women who’ve had an episiotomy. Episiotomi­es were also thought to prevent some degree of relaxation or damage to the pelvic floor, with a further possible complicati­on of a cystocele (a prolapse of the bladder wall through the vagina, which can cause incontinen­ce), a rectocele (opening between the vagina and the rectum) and the possible prolapse of the uterus. Recent studies on pelvic floor relaxation show no correlatio­n between poor perineal function and the presence or absence of episiotomy. One British study strongly suggested that exercise, not episiotomy, is the most common factor in restoring a woman’s normal pelvic floor strength after childbirth. A 1990 study by Sleep, Roberts and Chalmers states that “the most common cause of perineal damage is episiotomy and episiotomy should only be used to relieve foetal or maternal distress, or to achieve adequate progress when it is the perineum that is responsibl­e for the lack of progress”.


If an episiotomy is needed, the cut is made with scissors, from the vaginal opening into the perineum. This is done once the top of the baby’s head can be seen at the vaginal opening (this is called crowning of the head, and usually means that the birth is imminent). If there’s time, an injection of local anaestheti­c is given into the perineum so that this area is numb when the cut is made. The cut can be

made mediolater­ally (towards the side) or down the midline (towards the anus). While women experience less pain after birth from a midline episiotomy compared to a mediolater­al episiotomy, there is a greater chance of the midline episiotomy extending into a third degree tear (this is a tear which extends into the rectal tissue). Once the baby is born the doctor or midwife sews (sutures) the skin back together again. Dissolving stitches are usually used which disappear within two weeks.


In any vaginal birth, but especially with an episiotomy, the perineum can be painful afterwards.


• An ice pack or cooling gel pad frequently placed on the perineum in the first 24 hours following birth significan­tly reduces the swelling and bruising. After that, warmth either from a hot lamp placed near the perineum, or from sitting in warm water, is very soothing. It’s important to keep this area as clean and as dry as possible while it is healing. If you notice any bleeding or pus (which is a sign of infection) oozing from the site of the episiotomy or tear, or if the swelling worsens significan­tly, you must call your doctor or midwife. If you still feel pain with sex some months after the birth, or if you experience urinary incontinen­ce, you should see your doctor or midwife. Whether you have had an episiotomy or a tear, or given birth without any perineal trauma, Kegel exercises will help you regain the support and tone of your pelvic floor.


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