Your Pregnancy

Kitted out for baby

Here’s our list of everything you need to get your baby’s nest ready, says Yolandi Jordaan


THE SECOND YOU SEE two lines on the pregnancy test, you’ll be tempted to hit the shops. But wait! Even though it’s necessary to buy some items before baby is born, other items should rather be left for later. You will find that a brand or product that worked well for someone else, won’t necessaril­y work well for you or your little one. So don’t be in a rush. Also remember that some of the things we’ve put on our list, you might already have, like a comfortabl­e chair for breastfeed­ing or a bin that seals properly. Other things on the list are up to you to decide – you might not feel the need for a breastfeed­ing cushion, for instance, but take our list along to the shops just in case. Also consult The Essential Shopping Guide, the free supplement that was bagged with this issue of Your Pregnancy.


✓ Cot ✓ Mattress with air holes ✓ Mattress covers ✓ Warm blankets for winter, light blankets for summer, swaddling blankets, sleeping bags. First buy for the season your baby will be born in. ✓ Sleep wedge ✓ Night light ✓ Breastfeed­ing chair ✓ Breastfeed­ing cushion ✓ Toy basket. Newborns don’t really play with toys, so this can wait for later. ✓ Changing table or compactum ✓ Changing mat and cover ✓ Mobile to hang over changing station to keep baby amused ✓ Container for cotton wool ✓ Clock to keep track of feeding ✓ Laundry basket ✓ Bin that seals well ✓ White noise device or CD to help calm baby ✓ Humidifier ✓ Monitor


✓ Baby bath ✓ Bath toys. These can also wait until your baby is a little older. ✓ Bath time seat ✓ Baby towels ✓ Facecloths


✓ Vests (at least 6) ✓ Babygros (at least 6) ✓ Bibs. Even if your baby doesn’t drool or posset much, bibs are useful as you will use them when baby starts on solids.


✓ Pram ✓ Car seat ✓ Camp cot. The camp cot isn’t only useful for outings, but can be used for the first month or two to enable baby to sleep in your room. It is easier to have baby close, especially for night feeds. ✓ Carrier or sling ✓ Nappy bag


✓ Bottles. If you intend to breastfeed, you don’t have to buy bottles before baby is born. ✓ Bottle brush. Buy this when you buy the bottles. ✓ Steriliser ✓ Dummies ✓ Breastpump. It is not necessary to buy this before your baby is born, because you will mainly use it when you return to work. ✓ Breast pads ✓ High chair. At more or less six months old your baby will start on solids, so the chair can wait until after the birth.


✓ Muslin cloths ✓ Nappies. Buy the newborn size first. Your baby could be allergic to a certain brand so don’t buy too many at first. ✓ Perfumed plastic bags for dirty nappies ✓ Wet wipes ✓ Nail care kit ✓ Cotton wool ✓ Baby hairbrush ✓ Baby cream ✓ Baby cleanser ✓ Surgical alcohol ✓ Petroleum jelly ✓ Medicine. Only buy this when you need it though, as babies really shouldn’t be getting medicine before three months old. ✓ Mosquito repellent that is suitable for babies, or a mosquito net ✓ Playmat with a toy arch

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