Your Pregnancy



This pose gets the obliques and outside of the thighs working. Stretching your arm overhead as you bend over to the side helps to stretch the intercosta­l muscles and open up the ribs for easier breathing. Having the toes tucked under gives the soles of the feet a good stretch and a break from all the time they spend in shoes.

• Gently lower yourself onto your knees, and tuck your toes under to help you stabilise. Make sure your hips are directly over your knees.

• As you breathe in, circle your arms all the way up overhead, stretching into your sides.

• As you exhale, let your right arm come down to your side as you bend over sideways. Only go as far as you are comfortabl­e.

• Inhale and come back up to centre with both arms stretched up overhead before repeating to the left side.

• Do 10 reps on each side.

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