Your Pregnancy


There are lots of big ones you’ll have to make during this time...



The “rule” used to be to wait until past the first trimester before sharing your happy news – but there are equally valid arguments to be made for speaking up or shutting up. Despite the massive changes you can feel in your body, they are invisible to others. This can be frustratin­g – or delightful. “I loved the sense of hoarding an intimate secret in my first trimester. I carved out that time for me to get used to my new me, before my pregnancy became obvious and I was now going to be discussed, advised and judged for my every move,” says Jocelyn Haversham.

“I’ve always thought of not telling as a bit mean – to myself,” explains Claudia Hendricks.

“I wanted the most time possible of happy anticipati­on with my family and friends. So I told everyone straight away.”


You don’t have to sign any contracts just yet, but do use the first trimester time to think about your childcare options. Will you go back to work or try your hand at being a stay-at-home or workfrom-home mom? Granted, you might completely change your mind once your baby has arrived (perhaps you find you don’t want to return to work full-time after all) or after your maternity leave is up (you might be desperate to return to work after being at home for a few months).

“The plan was for me to go back to work after three months,” says Bettie de Waal, a freelance graphic designer. “So we chose to employ a nanny as our preferred childcare option.

“But once my baby was born, I couldn’t bear the idea of being away from her all day.

We changed the plan slightly and now still employ a nanny while

I work half days.”

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