Your Pregnancy



1 Pack a change of clothes for you and your child. Spills often end up on Mom or Dad too.

2 Dress your child in layers. Cabin temperatur­e can be unpredicta­ble.

3 Plan your flight activities in 15-minute slots. In other words, for a two-hour flight, plan eight activities.

4 Pack a tiny version of your firstaid kit to keep on you in case of emergency fevers or scrapes.

5 Keep empty shopping bags in the car for rubbish.

6 Stop every two hours for a short break and to stretch legs.

7 Take favourite blankies and soft toys along for happy naps.

8 Children should be strapped in always – no exceptions. Ever.

9 Keep wet wipes in your handbag and in your car.

10 Download some story apps for long journeys.

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