Your Pregnancy



While it may feel like all you’re doing day in and day out is nursing your baby, breastfeed­ing actually ends up saving you tonnes of time in the long run.

After the first two weeks, breastfeed­ing moms are more rested. They get an average of 45 minutes extra sleep per night, fall asleep faster after feeds, and have better sleep quality. Once you master the art of nursing lying down, you can actually nap through feeds and won’t have to get up at all.

Breastfeed­ing moms have no bottles to sterilise and prepare. Breastmilk is always available, always fresh and always the perfect temperatur­e. Because you can feed baby immediatel­y when he gets hungry, he is calmer and cries less.

You will spend less time caring for a sick child: exclusivel­y breastfed babies visit the doctor and hospital at least 12 times fewer than bottle-fed babies.

If you are too busy to make it to the gym, cheer up. You’re burning around 500 calories a day simply by breastfeed­ing. That equals about an hour of sweating in the Zumba class!

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