Your Pregnancy

Q&A 3rd trimester


I’m a 34-year-old woman, and I’m suffering from pain in my lower pelvic area and a sharp pain in my left buttock when I stand for too long on my legs. What could this be?

TINA OTTE ANSWERS: This is a very common problem in pregnancy and occurs due to the postural changes in your body, causing a shift in the centre of gravity.

A weak pelvic floor and tight hamstrings may also contribute to your discomfort. Hormones play a part in making the ligaments around the joints more lax. Pain may be felt in the buttock and down the leg, as the sacroiliac joint of the pelvis moves and sometimes traps a nerve to the leg. Improve your posture. When standing or walking, your chin should be pulled back and not poke forward, your shoulders and ribcage should be lifted up and back, and when standing, try to tuck your bottom in, so that you feel your tummy muscles working to support your spine. A warm compress, such as a buckwheat pillow or a hot water bottle, applied to the affected area will increase circulatio­n and release the spasm, speeding up healing and the feeling of relaxation. Sleep with a pillow between your knees. Moderate, regular and gentle exercise will strengthen the body’s postural muscles. Physiother­apy, osteopathy and chiropract­ic care will help. Be sure to contact a qualified practition­er who has experience with pregnant women. Ask your caregiver to refer you. Wear a bra that fits you properly and is well supporting, and wear low-heeled shoes. Ask your partner to massage your back while you sit on a stool or a chair or lie on your side on a bed. Warm baths or vigorous water showers will do much to lift sagging spirits – as well as sagging backs and sore joints.

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