Your Pregnancy

Shop like a pro


There are some baby goods you’ll need to buy before the birth, and others can wait until afterwards. Every parent develops a relationsh­ip with brands that just work for them. Keep in mind, though, that what works for your sister or best friend might not suit you as well, though. Some of the things on our list you possibly have in your house already, like a comfortabl­e armchair for breastfeed­ing. Others are really up to you, for instance if you’d like a breastfeed­ing pillow or not. So go through the list, tick off what you need, and take it along to the shops. That way you go in with a focussed plan and won’t be swayed by all kinds of things you’d never even heard of before crossing the threshold. You can also indicate which items you’d like to put on your baby shower list, so you don’t end up getting two or three of the same item when you only need one. Don’t be shy about this – the people who are buying you gifts would really like them to be useful and just right for you. Without a list, you might end up getting 60 winter babygros for a newborn when your child is arriving in summer. Not kidding, we’ve seen this happen at a baby shower…

That’s probably why so many baby showers are ”fake” surprises… A sister or good friend is behind the scenes making your wishes known, and you can save face by acting surprised at getting exactly what you want, even if the date and venue were a real surprise.

That said, sometimes the unexpected item that a friend (usually an experience­d mom) got you could turn out to be the #BTE, and you wouldn’t have known to even try the item. One example that comes to mind is a kneeling pad for the bathroom – not a purchase anyone gets excited about, but without one, your knees will really suffer. Read on for our list, and turn the page for our favourite products.


■ Cot.

■ Cot buffers that tie on the outside to avoid the risk of strangulat­ion. ■ Mosquito net.

■ Mattress with breathing holes – always buy a new one.

■ Mattress cover or fitted sheet. ■ Warm blankets for winter, light blankets for summer, receiving blankets, swaddling blankets, musling blankets. Only buy for the season your baby will be in once born, and buy for the next season later.

■ Sleeping bag. These work particular­ly well if you have a wriggly baby who keeps on kicking the blankets off.

■ Sleep wedge to keep your baby on the side, as this sleeping position reduces the risk of cot death.

■ Lamp, not too bright, with a dimmer switch, or a night light.

■ Nursing chair with footstool. ■ Breastfeed­ing pillow.

■ Toy basket. Your newborn might not have many toys yet, so you can leave this purchase for later.

■ Compactum for nappy changes and storage.

■ Nappy changing mattress and covers. ■ Mobile to hang above the changing station.

■ Container for cotton wool.

■ Wall clock so you can keep an eye on the time while you nurse.

■ Laundry basket.

■ Bin that seals for soiled nappies.

■ A small radio or speaker, so you can play music while you nurse.

■ Monitor.

Itching to get everything ready for your new baby? We’ve got the shopping tips and lists you need.

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